Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter 2013

We had a nice Easter this year.  We did a few festive things throughout the week and had a low-key holiday.

My mom had the kids over for their annual “bunny cake” afternoon.  All of the kids were loving eating coconut this year!


My mom colored eggs with the boys.  Ryan thought that this orange hair on the eggs was absolutely hilarious.  He died laughing with his hysterical giggle every time he looked at them.


We did an egg hunt with Kiley & our old ward.  It was so great to see old friends.  And then we did one with our current ward!  Egg hunts & candy never get old.

The kids loved Easter morning.  The Easter Bunny hid a few football eggs full of quarters and they found their Easter baskets.  They were pretty excited!

easter morning (1 of 1)

On Easter Sunday, we went to my parent’s house for dinner.  We had my family, Aunt Kara & Uncle Allan and our family friends Leslie & Noah Whitehead and Sam’s friend Steph.  It was a nice group, we ate outside & enjoyed the great weather and good company.


I always enjoy Easter to focus on the Resurrection of our Savior and remember all he did for us and what a wonderful gift the Atonement is.

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