Wednesday, October 26, 2011

it was one weird week.

We had a bizarre week in our house last week. 

. It all started on Monday [October 17th] . . . I worked that day so I was driving home after picking up the boys and Ryan just started screaming but his seat is behind mine so I didn’t turn around.  Screaming in the car isn’t anything new.  But the smell of vomit sure was!  He barfed ALL over.  It was disgusting.  And up until this point he was acting totally normal [other than right before we left my parents and he wanted to just lay on me] and he was totally fine after so I thought he just ate something that didn’t agree with his big tummy.

. Wes flew to California on Thursday morning for a meeting.  He called me as he was walking through the Ontario office and he sounded awful.  Worse than awful . . . totally disoriented.  I’ve never seen/heard Wes like this.  He was having extreme pain and was calling me to see what I thought he should do.  After I realized how bad it really was I told him to get to an ER.  So he jumped in a taxi where he about passed out and made it to the ER where he started throwing up everywhere.  It wasn’t until he got the morphine that the pain went away.  They say it was something with his stomach.  But don’t worry, my trooper of a husband made it to his 1:30pm meeting that he flew in for.  Luckily the extreme pain never returned.

. Thursday night at around 8:30pm, while I was at a church meeting, Nate threw up all over his bed.  So after Wes’ extremely long & painful day he got to clean up more puke and get Nate all situated.  Nate was just like Ryan – no signs before or after puking of him being sick so I didn’t think much of it.

. Starting Saturday night I got hit with something awful but I never threw up.  My stomach has never experienced anything like that but the weirdest part was how much my bones and joints hurt and how tired I was.

It also hit Ali & Abbie . . . and poor Sam flew to Oregon to be with a dear friend of hers who unexpectedly lost her 7 week old baby this week and she was puking all night in a hotel room & has the same bone/joint/tired issues I had.  The weird thing is that we all got a form of something – but I rarely saw my family this week other than 20 minutes at Yogurtland for a quick celebration for Wes’ birthday so I haven’t a clue as to how this all got around.

Lets just say it made me appreciate my normally healthy little family!


Doreen Griffeth said...

Yuck!!! It makes you appreciate healthy!

Glad everyone is ok.

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Wow! That's so strange! Hope you guys are all feeling better now. It sounds like an awful week!