Friday, April 8, 2011

one foot in front of the other.

Ryan will go headfirst down the biggest slide at the park and climb on to just about anything but he's been more than hesitant to take his first steps. Apparently Kiley is worth walking to because he did it yesterday for the first time! He took quite a few steps on his first try and has walked from one room - down the hall - and in to another room today. For the record, he's been crawling for SEVEN and a HALF months and walking around tables, pushing toys/chairs all over the house for months and months. To each his own, I guess. But I can finally say . . . we're close, folks. No more black knees, holes in pants & disgusting floors. Good job, Ryan.


Doreen Griffeth said...

Yeah! You'll be sorry! He will RUN and not walk!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Alisha said...

I with Mom! I bet he runs very soon! Have fun!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Yay Ryan! He's so stinkin' cute.

Maddie just started crawling for real this week and ugh...It's a whole new adventure. I hate this dirty hands phase and can't wait till she's walking.

Lillie said...

YAY! Oh this just made me so excited for the day Finn walks. It's just so amazing to watch them up on two feet after all that horizontal time. :)