Saturday, April 9, 2011

an EASTER afternoon

The beginning of Easter fun started today – thanks to my parents.

Growing up, we always made a bunny cake.  It was a yearly tradition that my mom is now carrying on with the grandkids.  She invited them all over [well, all by Ryan for very obvious reasons] for lunch, an easter egg hung & to make bunny cakes.

I had to drop Nate off so Ryan and I stuck around through lunch and the easter egg hunt and then headed on our way while the kids decorated cakes. 

[Kyle was there, too . . . he’s just not pictured!  He was busy looking for the four missing eggs.]

It will be a fun tradition!

nate with basket of eggs (1 of 1)

nate.abs.daisy (1 of 1)

ryan crawling looking for eggs (1 of 1)

Nate’s bunny cake:

 nates easter bunny cake (1 of 1)


Andrus Family said...

Now that is one sweet bunny cake!! What a fun tradition, your mom is so great!

Alisha said...

What a cool tradition! Holidays around your house are always so much fun!

Doreen Griffeth said...

What a fun tradition!!! I see smiles on ALL faces! A a fun grandma treat!

Amander said...

Mmm...Sam used to make bunny cake. I thought it was so cute!