Nate is playing soccer this spring with a bunch of other little 3 year olds. It’s hilarious.

I was a little hesitant but after 4 of his good buddies joined the team – so did we. And I’m so glad we did – Nate’s loving it. And lets be honest – I get to sit at practices and games with 4 of my friends so it works out for all of us!
The Sharks first game was on Saturday. All of the kids on the team do fabulous at practices but none of them really understood what an actual game meant so it was fun to watch them figure it out. On the first play, there were 10 three year olds in the middle of the field [5 on each team] not really knowing what to do. But they soon figured it out and Nate dribbled the ball down the field and scored the first goal! Look at Nate in this picture with his “macho” walk of “I just scored.” He was excited.

However, the best part of the whole game was that every kid on the field scored a goal. We even got a few in the other team’s goal. I felt bad for the cute girls on our team – I think all of the crazy boys intimidated them so they were pretty content on the sidelines.
Go Sharks!

We’ve got a pretty awesome sideline of Sharks Fans. My whole family showed up to support Nathan!

This little boy was on the sidelines, too. He ransacked Kiley’s diaper bag and found a sucker.

We’ve talked all week how soccer is a team sport and it doesn’t matter who on your team scores. But Nate inherited some extremely dominant competitive genes from his mom/dad and so it’s going to take a while for him to get that it’s not all about him. But as soon as we filled him in on the fact that he got an assist to Bubbah who then scored the final goal, he was stoked. This face was priceless at the time. Overall, he did great and the only time he got frustrated was in the photo below and when he had to come out of the game so a teammate could go in.

I was so proud of all of the Sharks. They did awesome in their first game.
A few pictures from practice . . .