Monday, October 18, 2010

the carnival

h & n on airplane (1 of 1)

Right up the street from our house – there was a carnival this weekend.  Nate’s been eyeing the rides for about a week as they set everything up.  So while Wes was out of town, Ryan took an afternoon snooze at my parent’s and Nate and I ventured off on a little carnival date.

It was a HOT day.  Way too hot for October which made for a very sweaty afternoon.  Mainly because the parking situation was horrendous.  We walked a really long way to get to the entrance and then back to the other side of the carnival for the little guy rides.  I have to say that Nate was a TROOPER and walked a good part of the way.  The rest of the time was spent on my back or shoulders. 

We met up with Harrison and his dad [Harrison’s mom, Alex almost went in to full-blown labor that morning] and the boys had a blast.  They rode ride after ride after ride.  We would have stayed all day but Ryan couldn’t stay at my parents for very long [they hosted their ENTIRE ward in their backyard for dinner that night] so after an hour or two we got a slushie and a candy necklace and made the 2 mile trek back to the car.

We’re hoping this carnival comes back next year . . . and that dad is in town . . . and we’ll plan on spending the day there eating funnel cakes & drinking lemonade.

h & n on car ride at carnival (1 of 1) 

nate on airplane (1 of 1)

harrison and nate on grass at carnival (1 of 1) 

nate in airplane up high (1 of 1)

 nate in the helicoptor (1 of 1)


Kelsey said...

How cute is Ryan? He has gotten so big! Is it fall weather there yet? Miss you guys

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Hearing about Vegas makes me miss it. :(

The Skeehan Family said...

I figured I might as well comment on EACH of your posts :) I love these pictures! Looks like what a fun fun carnival. Too bad you couldn't stay longer.

And I am SO ready for fall right NOW.

Doreen Griffeth said...

You really find the fun in Las Vegas. I see a happy boy!