Monday, October 25, 2010

ryan is [8] months old

we have the happy ryan that we still see . . .

ryan 8 months happy (1 of 1)

but then he quickly changes to the not-so-happy-ryan.  mostly when he can’t do everything his big brother is doing.

ryan 8 months (1 of 1)

Wes and I are reminded hourly of how different our boys are.  Nate didn’t start crawling until well into his 9th month of life so to have Ryan start crawling at 6 months was a shock for us and now that he’s ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE, on and in to everything, . . . we’re still adjusting.  I thought Ryan was going to be super laid back after he was so content in my belly and such a mellow baby during the day – boy were we wrong.  This boy wants action and he figures out a way to make it happen all day long!

ryan crawling around (1 of 1)

A little bit about Ryan at 8 months old:

. Like I said, he’s absolutely everywhere.  He is starting to get better at the “traditional” crawl on his hands and knees but always reverts back to his army crawl.  It’s currently the faster way to get around.

. He is a CLIMBER.  Nate was not.  So once again, Mr. Ryan is throwing something new at us!   He can already scale just about anything and make his way to where he wants to go.  Because of this – he almost always has a goose-egg on his head somewhere from crashing.  His latest is when he crawled all the way in to our big master-bathroom bathtub . . . he pretty much tumbled in after he climbed to the top!  He pulls himself up on absolutely everything.  He’s getting used to the falling/crashing because a lot of the time he doesn’t burst in to tears . . . just gets up and tries it again.

ryan hanging on to toy (1 of 1)

. loves all food: baby food, snacks, crackers, big-people food.  If he sees you chewing something – he will attack you to try to get it out of your mouth.

. speaking of eating – he absolutely loves to eat dirt, leaves, grass, rocks, etc.  He LOVES to be outside just so he can crawl around and eat nature.

. He is a CRAPPY napper.  Most days he sleeps about 1.5-2.5 hours PER DAY.  Which isn’t very much for an 8 month old.  A few days a month he sleeps longer than that but that’s about it.  Hence his 6:30 [sometimes 6pm] bedtime.  A big reason is that he is still a napping pooper and it wakes him up.

. He is still up once a night.  The “crying it out” will begin soon.

. He’s a mama’s boy.  If I’m around – he always knows where I am and wants me.  But if I’m out of sight he seems to be fine.

. As crazy as he is – he still likes to be held.

. He still only has 2 teeth.

. He really likes being in his stroller as long as we are moving.  He’s a pretty good shopper in the stroller or the cart as long as he’s out of his car seat.

. He loves it when you whisper in his ear.  He will hold his head really still and after a few minutes he will pull it away and then come back for more.

. He responds to music.

. My friend Jamie was holding him at church on Sunday and she swears he reached out his hands for me and said, “mama”.  He does say mama and dada but never in context.  He makes a lot of baby babble.

. He has a great laugh & smile.

. He loves to play. 

ryan on fav toy (1 of 1)

ryan on firetruck (1 of 1)

. When his big brother is nice to him – he absolutely loves his company.  Luckily, most of the time, Nate adores the little guy and wants him around. 

[this is ryan’s new favorite toy.  of course nate has to join him just about every time].

the boys on music toy (1 of 1)

[ryan loves going down the slide with nate!]

N & R going down slide (1 of 1)

[watching a little mickey mouse together]

the boys watching snoopy (1 of 1)

I loves this little 8 month old boy of mine.  He makes me smile [and pull my hair out] daily!


Laurel said...

so cute! I love 8 month olds. For as long as I can remember I have always said that 8 month old babies are my favorite. We'll see what tune I'm singing in another month when my baby gets there.

Doreen Griffeth said...

So cute! Hang in there! He had a VERY active dad who had a very high pain tolerance! Nothing stopped him!
Love these cute pictures!

J-Leav said...

He DID say mama! Love the blog, Linds! Thanks for the invite.

leigh and spencer said...

Wow! He's getting so big and really has his own unique look to him. I love his smile and this is such a fun age:)

Ali said...

Since the boy in my life only likes to yell at me, I'll take Ryan's snuggles any day of the week. He has yet to do anything but snuggle, smile, love and headbutt me and I could use a lot more of that.

Andrus Family said...

Oh my goodness, he is growing up so fast! I swear he is a mini Wes! Really, by the time I see him in person again, he will be a totally different person...which means I need to see him soon. :)

Adam and Bri said...

what a cutie! i loved meeting him, and we know margaret felt the same way. :)

The Skeehan Family said...

seriously - these two need to get together! they can play all day long, crashing into things, trying to eat everything they shouldn't and try to keep up with their big siblings. I love these pictures!!!

oh, and don't chicks dig scars? :)

Alisha said...

Adorable...I could tell months ago when I did get to see him he was a busy little guy! So cute!

Lauren said...

He's such a cute little guy!

On a side note, I would love to hear how you like New York. I hear it's a beast to get through (isn't it over 800 pages?) but that it's really worth it.