Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ryan’s new love: the swings

ryan on swings 1 (1 of 1) 

Ryan HEARTS the swings.  He laughs and laughs and laughs.  He especially loves it when his big brother pushes him. 

Today at the park, Nate [a swing lover, himself] didn’t even want a turn in the swings.  He just wanted to push Ryan and watch him laugh.  He loved it.  They both loved it.

Have I mentioned that they are forming such a cute friendship?  When Nate wakes up in the morning or comes out from quiet time – the first thing he asks for is Ryan (who is usually asleep at those times).  He begs me to wake him up {which isn’t going to happen}.  He just wants his little buddy around.  It’s fun to watch.

side note: Mr. Ryan has been seriously teething for a week now.  He had a fever for 4.5 days.  He’s grouchy.  Irritable.  NOT my happy boy.  Last night he about killed Wes and I.  I feel bad for the dude – we are ALL hoping he’s out of pain, soon! Anybody have any good teething tips?


Melissa Snyder said...

Sorry to hear about the teething problem. It is no fun for these little guys. It is no fun being a parent and watching them be miserable and not know what to do. One thing we used that really helped were Teething tablets. That worked really well with our boys. We also got a teething ring and put apple juice in ice cube trays and let them freeze and then we would put one if the teething ring and just let them bit them like crazy. It seems to freeze their gums and it helps out for awhile. Hope it passes soon.

Doreen Griffeth said...

What fun! Your boys love the out of doors!!!
Thanks for the cute pic!

The Skeehan Family said...

so fun about the swings but not so fun about the teething. yikes. one thing claire loved was when I would take a wash cloth, get it wet, put it in a baggie and then freeze it. She would just suck and suck and suck on it.

also, there are a couple things out now that i've heard good things about - tried one (it's this pacifier thingy that has bumps all over it to help massage the gums - Samantha likes it at times and others nothing will work but it might be worth a shot?) - also, there is this giraffe (Sophie the giraffe I think?) that is like the #1 recommended teething toy - haven't gotten it but people swear by it??

Sammy said...

nates new love: jumping on his aunt sam.

Alisha said...

Adison just rediscovered the swings as well. We got her a new one for her birthday to go on our outside playset and she loves it! Nothing better than a big brother to do the pushing!

leigh and spencer said...

We really didn't have much trouble with Spence with teething except the extreme amount of drool, but Jaidyn has been a different story. She also cut all 4 molars at the same time. We give her a teether from the freezer too, but w/o the apple juice. It does seem to help. We have also given her tylenol if we know she is in an extreme amount of discomfort. Good luck!

Amander said...

Oooh, I might have to take Niya to the swings. I bet she'd love them!

And poor Ryan with the teething. It's so miserable for them.