Monday, July 19, 2010

ryan - 5 months old

My little man is {five} months old. He has really grown and changed a lot in the past month or so! He's such a fun boy to have around. He's pretty happy during the day as long as he gets his sleep. It's been interesting on round 2 . . . I don't get nearly as much time to sit and play with Ryan as I did with Nate . . . so I really cherish the times when I can sit and make him laugh & smile. He's not a cuddler anymore - he's way too busy for that. The only time I get to snuggle with him is when he's so tired before bedtime that he'll lay on me. I love that part of the day.

Here's a little bit about Ryan at 5 months old . . .

17.6 pounds
27" long

. He loves his rice cereal.

. But he's not so sure about sweet potatoes or green beans.

. He reaches and grabs for everything. Nothing is safe in his reach - especially our food & drinks.

. His need to touch everything makes changing his diaper fun these days. He tries to reach anything and everything in sight.

. He threw his first little baby tantrum when I took a toy away from him that was potentially dangerous!

. He rolls from his back to his front and his front to his back. When we lay him on the floor - he's never in the same spot when we pick him up. Whether he rolls or spins himself around, he's always moving.

. Oh, we hope he learns how to sleep better soon.

. He is still swaddled during bed and naptime.

. When he's tired, he simply wants to be held and he makes you stand up to hold him. Sitting down is not an option.

. He still spits up alot and is pretty gassy.

. He's still a chunk but is thinning out a little bit as he grows longer.

. We can get a great smile & laugh out of this little boy.

. Ryan has decided he'd rather drink his milk out of a bottle rather than nurse. So my pump is- once again - my best friend.

. He's still trying to figure out his big brother. Other kids Ryan's age think Nate is pretty funny but Ryan just stares at him with a serious look. He doesn't laugh or cry - just stares.

{nate loves ryan. if nate wakes up first in the morning, he loves going in to ryan's room when he wakes up and play with him in his crib for a bit}


Julie T. said...

Ryan is getting so big! I think he and Nate are looking more alike- both very handsome little boys:) I'm glad I bumped into you at Nordstrom the other day. It looks like you had a fun time with all your roommates!!

Adam and Bri said...

he's SUCH a cutie.

Alisha said...

Hope he figures out sleeping soon...he is still so cute!

leigh and spencer said...

I love this age b/c they are starting to really figure so much out and the jabbering will start anyday now. The boys look great! We miss you guys and wished we lived closer:(

Doreen Griffeth said...

Love this kid! What a cutie! Thanks for the updates and the pictures. I can definitely see him changing!