A few highlights of this trip:
fishing boat. we took a fishing boat out on navajo lake where nate caught his first fish! to say he was excited is an understatement.
funny fishing boat story: we had been talking about catching fish all morning. Kyle caught the first fish and as soon as it came out of the water and in to the net - Abbie started screaming hysterically. She didn't realize we'd actually catch a fish and bring it on the boat.

4th of July parade. duck creek has a 4th of July parade every year. This year we decorated one of the "cabin cars" and my mom and dad drove abbie, daisy & nate in the parade while they threw out candy. They loved it. My mom had the kids yelling "happy birthday, america!" When it was all over, Abbie said to my mom . . . "this is the happiest day of my life!"
Kyle was a trooper and led the parade holding a flag in his boy scout uniform. We were all so proud of him for doing it all by himself!

the rest of us sat on the sidelines and watched the parade.

we were like kids, lined up on the side ready to catch all of the candy!
and of course, lots of cabin car rides.
the weekend was spent with great company, yummy food, lots of games of Sequence, paper airplane tosses from the loft, crafts {thanks aunt sam}, turns on the rope swing, walks in the forest, smores around the campfire, firefighters pancake breakfast, reading and/or taking a nap on the deck, washing the cabin cars, dancing to disney songs, Wimbledon & long nights with both of our boys awake and crying.
the cousins had a great time together. I constantly saw the little ones asking each other to play & Abbie loved baby Ryan. She read him books and played with him whenever he was awake.
Hey Wes, I promised not to post that photo of you in my blog and you can check carefully...I didn't. I'm not sure if your wife made the same promise???? However, it is a good look for you so I'm glad someone gets to see it.
Such a fun 4th! And great pictures!
Wow! What a fun weekend! I loved all the pictures, especially Wes' new look of headband rocker! Too fun! Someday you will not be able to get those boys up! Remember that!
We enjoyed the boat parade! None of us signed up, but low and behold, Leigh had the Griffeth boat in the parade, complete with a patriotic hat on!
Good times...except for the not sleeping part. Love the pictures as usual!
Hey! We were up there the same time you were. We stayed at Chris's Grandparents cabin down at Strawberry point! We were down at Duck Creek Saturday evening as well asking about the parade. Probably just barely missed ya.
And, my mom just told me last night, this is too funny, that you're friends with Laurel Holt? I went to Disney World with her when we were really little and my dad is really good friends with her Dad, Jeff. They were visiting them this past week actually. My Dad and Jeff met at the MTC , were companions for a bit, and did business stuff. Been Great Friends ever since. Just thought I'd tell ya. Small World, huh?! See you around sometime =)
that looks like a fun trip! i am diggin' on wes's sweatband.
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