Friday, July 9, 2010

is this what it's like when your kids are old enough to get up, turn on cartoons, and make themselves breakfast?

Wes and I enjoyed a first in our almost-three-years of parenting this morning - we got to sleep even after Nate woke up!

Let me start by saying that Ryan is a STINKER at night. He's a terrible sleeper - he's still so gassy so a lot of it is because he's in pain and needs to fart.

Last night was a particularly rough one for both Wes and myself {and Ryan}. So when Nate came walking in our room at 6:45 this morning we didn't want to move. We had finally gotten in to a deep sleep since Ryan had been asleep since 5:30am. Nate crawled in to bed with us at 6:45 and before I knew it - it was 7:45am and Nate was not in our bed anymore! Apparently he quietly went downstairs and was playing with his truck & trailer without any complaints. He even managed to find a red Sharpie and only colored in a coloring book. This is not our usual Nate that wants us up and playing with him as soon as the day begins!

It was soooo nice to get another hour of sleep this morning after a long, long night. I could get used to that. What a fabulous thing when your kiddos can entertain themselves for an hour in the morning!

Now if we can work on him turning on cartoons and making his own bowl of cereal . . .


mrs. timberlake said...

imagine how easy it must have been for us as kids to just have to literally turn the tv on (without the remote control) and literally flip through channels.... while turning a

i think the multi remote situation makes it a bit more complicated to find intended channels, etc.

i really am so sorry about ryan not sleeping well. i am so far removed from those days, but yet remember them as if it were yesterday.

Alyssa Griffeth said...

I totally agree...Kids that can play alone for an hour in the morning are SO great! I must admit that there have been MANY mornings during this pregnancy where I just haven't been able to get up bright and early with Olivia. So our solution is to put her at the computer in our loft (right outside our room)and she watches the videos on They have been a lifesaver!!! But there have been MANY mornings where I find that Olivia has DESTROYED my entire upstairs. She's usually pretty good, but I quickly learned that I had to find a super high spot for the scissors and sharpies. :) Hopefully Nate will keep at it!

Doreen Griffeth said...

It will happen!!!! I hope Ryan starts sleeping better for you--gas free!!

Way to go, Nate!