Friday, December 18, 2009

the blind side

Wes and I only see a few movies a year in the theatre . . . and tonight was one of them. MANY people recommended The Blind Side so we went and saw it. And LOVED it. It was clean. Inspiring. Just a good flick. And in my opinion, you can't go wrong with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw.

It's the first movie I've seen in a long time where you leave wanting to be a better person. Wanting to give another kid a chance at life. I highly recommend it.

Thanks for the date night, Wes!


mrs. timberlake said...

I completely agree with your review.

I left the theatre wanting to be friends with that family.

We are on our way to see Avatar. I am interested to see what all the hype is about. Makes me sound like I see a lot of movies.... which we both know isn't true.

Doreen Griffeth said...

I taking Robert to this movie over the break! Great to hear!