we had a great christmas this year. we stayed put and celebrated with my family.
christmas eve.
we typically have a random bunch of friends and family at my parent's house for dinner on christmas eve but this year it was just our immediate family. so sam came up with the idea to skip the traditional ham dinner and go for mexican.
and boy, was it tasty.
nate and i went over to my parent's house around noon to eat lunch and then have nate take a nap while i helped get food ready. sam was there, too. she made enchiladas. my mom got tamales & made homemade salsa. i {or should we say wes} made guacamole and nachos. and tripp/ali made carne asada tacos and yummy dip. i'm still craving those tacos.
other than the change in menu, it was our typical christmas eve. we cook quite a bit during the day. eat dinner. and then do something christmasy. this year we went over to our good friends, the earls house, where santa paid us a visit and we performed the nativity to bring in the christmas spirit. and they treated us to a chocolate fountain. delish.
santa's visit . . . he brought all of the marz grandkids pajamas and the adults movie tickets! This was the first time Nate willingly sat on Santa's lap. I think it's because he saw the big boys, Noah and Ikey Earl, do it with ease.

the nativity . . . our wise men and the donkey

the earls live a few houses down from my parent's so we walked over there. and of course, my mom had us sing christmas carols as we walked. abbie and nate loved it . . . especially singing jingle bells.
christmas morning at the griffeth house.

nate asked santa for two things: a garbage truck & drums. he must have been a good boy this year because he got both and a few other items from santa. he was so excited as he walked down the stairs and saw santa's presents sitting on the couch. he gasped in excitement!
i have to say that this santa thing is pretty fun. this is our first year with a kid old enough to believe in the magic and kind of get it.
christmas day at grandma and papa's.
from this point on, i was slacking with the camera. grandma & papa marz had us all over to open presents and eat brunch. our usual tradition. the kiddos did really well at first and then got a little bored of the present opening when they realized all of the presents weren't for them! but as always, they were spoiled and got lots of new things to play with.
while the Thompsons headed home for afternoon naps and new-toy-playing time - I sent my parents, wes & sam off to the movies to see sherlock holmes while I stayed at the house while nate took a nap. I got a little rest on the couch while I started reading my new book. {thanks alyssa!}
We never do a big christmas dinner on christmas day . . . so i convinced my family to give in to the pregnant lady's cravings of chicken salad sandwiches and salads! they were yummy.
we had a wonderful christmas season with family & friends. we always enjoy focusing on our Savior this time of year.
Happy New Year!
Fun! The best part to me sounds like the Mexican food for Christmas eve. I have been craving Mexican food big time lately, I must have it soon!
I am glad that my hand all wrapped up made it in that pic
Holy cow lady... February is going to be here before you know it!! I would love to get together! Really, anytime works for us! I love all your pictures. You really are great with your camera. How is your family so organized with everything. We all run around with our heads cut off during the holidays (well, all the time really)!
Looks like you guys had a fabulous Christmas! Nate makes a super cute wise man!!! And I'm glad you're enjoying your new book!!
All the yummy food is making me hungry! Glad you guys had a Merry Christmas. I love your family photos! Your card was so cute!
what a perfect week my dear.
Fun to see all your Christmas fun!
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