My college friends ROCK. I lived with Laurel P. & Trisha {pictured above} all four years at BYU so you can imagine the fun times we had together. We had a fourth dear friend live with us for a few of the years {Laurel W.} but she lives in New York and couldn't make it to our girls weekend! We missed you Laurel W.
Trisha & I both live in Vegas so we hopped in the car on Friday and drove to LA to see Laurel {and her hubby, Ryan}. Laurel usually comes to us so we decided it was time to go to her and see her neck of the woods. I'm so glad we went - we had a great time catching up and relaxing.
The best part? We're all pregnant! There was alot of baby talk going on. Laurel is having her first baby, I'm on my second, and Trish is on her third. With all of us in different stages of pregnancy - it was pretty funny to watch. You can see the belly progression . . .
I had a great time with these girls. It's amazing that it's been 10 years since we started our college journey and 6 years since we lived together. It was like nothing had changed - we always pick right up where we left off. I love these girls! Here's a few things about our weekend:
. It's still not safe to completely trust Laurel's directions
. Never drive by the Barstow exit with two pregnant ladies who have to pee
. With three prego ladies together, you spend a lot of time eating and in the bathroom
. Trish set a rule that we couldn't eat at any restaurant that exists in Las Vegas - which was fun. We ate at The Counter {delicious sweet potato fries & shakes}, Tido's tacos, & an Italian restaurant and got YUMMY cookies from some icecream joint!
. For Trish and I - it was fabulous to be on our own schedule and not our kiddos. We didn't wake up to a toddler. We didn't have to be home for naps. We went out to eat and went shopping in peace. It's the simple things these days that make for a great day!
. I love IKEA and wish we had one in LV.
. We went shopping at The Grove - a fun outdoor mall that was very festive.
. California traffic sucks.
. Laurel found our college video that I made for them when we graduated so of course we watched it. It was pretty funny.
. We watched a favorite movie of ours, Father of the Bride Part II.
. Manicures & pedicures - the best girl activity.
. Good friends are the best!
Special thanks to Wes and Josh for taking the kids and to Ryan for spending a weekend with three pregnant ladies. Sorry we limited your sports watching on such a big weekend!
I'm thinking this girls weekend thing needs to happen more often.
I've always thought it was so incredible that you guys have stayed so close and been able to see eachother as often as you have after college. Great friends are so special!
So jealous!!! Glad you guys had such a great weekend. We'll have to do it again sometime when I can come :) I like the no kids girls weekends.
You all look great. I love how being 13 weeks pregnant with your 3rd can look almost like 23 weeks pregnant with your 1st :)
Aw, girls' weekends are SO fun! Looks like you had a blast.
Yep...definitely needs to happen more often! Thanks for coming out- good friends really are THE BEST!
Wow! SO jealous of your girl's weekend. You pregnant girls look so cute:)
Wow...What I wouldn't give to be driving distance from my old roomies!! Looks like you had such a fun time!
What a fantastic weekend! I need one of those soon...seriously!
How do I look so big in that last picture? My goodness, I'm scared of how large I'll be by the end of the pregnancy. Thanks for driving and the fun weekend. It was nice to talk, eat, relax, talk, eat, shop, eat, and talk. We need to do this annually. By the way, the picante corn nuts are wonderful! Have you had any limon chips lately?
Good for you...enjoy travelling while you can!
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