Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the carousel @ the district

We took nate to the carousel at the district for the first time a few weeks ago. He had a blast. He rode a horse and a deer and then we had to go. He was distraught that he didn't get to ride the elephant and the froggie but he had a great time. I always like seeing him get so excited about new things! I think we'll be making trips to the carousel a little more. A perfect activity after a little shopping!


Doreen Griffeth said...

Love the SMILE and the hat!
What a boy!

mrs. timberlake said...

i never noticed (until having kids) how many NON horse animals there are at a carousel... who knew!?!?!?

Amander said...

Anything that can entertain a toddler after shopping is a great idea!

Also, I happen to love the carousel myself.