The US Open in New York! I grew up with parents who L O V E tennis and it rubbed off on me, for sure. We went to Wimbledon in 2001 and I've always wanted to make it to the US Open. Now my love of the game has rubbed off on Wes . . . he loves it, too!
It all started when Wes got an email from Southwest telling us that they now fly right in to La Guardia in NYC. Before you had to fly in to Long Island which was a pain. So that got the wheels spinning in my head and before we knew it we had free flights & a free hotel booked! {The lovely perks of a traveling husband.} Luckily my parents ROCK and were happy to take Nate to the cabin for their Labor Day weekend.
We left on Friday morning and had a very long day of travel. We made it to our hotel and shortly after walked over to Cafe Habana to meet our good friends Laurel & Brad for dinner. They'd heard of this restaurant but had never been there and it was delicious! I had the best tacos I've ever had. It was great to be able to catch up with them. We've been spoiled in the last few years with getting to see them a few times a year even though we live on opposite sides of the country. {I forgot my camera that night!}
We were exhausted on Saturday so we slept in and took the Subway to Time Square. College football started that day and there were tennis matches on TV so we spent a few hours at ESPN zone having lunch and watching some sports. We then walked down a few blocks to Gershwin Theatre to see Wicked! I saw it a few years ago in NYC but it was Wes' first. It's a fabulous show!
We had tickets to the US Open on Saturday night. The matches are supposed to start at 7pm. We got there at 6:15 and the Roddick day match had just started! We didn't mind because it was fun to watch his match on the big screen on the US Open grounds. There were 30,000+ people there with us watching on the big screen!

It also gave us time to explore Flushing Meadows!

His match was over 3 hours long so we didn't even get in to Arthur Ashe stadium until 10:20 that night. We were supposed to see two matches but because they were so behind, they moved Safina to another court and we got to watch James Blake. He played like crap but I've always liked him so it was fun to see him play!


We didn't have tickets for Sunday but they announced that they had a few tickets left and they'd be on sale Sunday morning at 9am. So despite getting back to the hotel at 2:45am . . . we set the alarm for 7am to get ready and out to Flushing Meadow by 9am only to find that they were sold out! So, we joined about 60 other people trying to scalp tickets to get in to the day session. The day before tickets were going for a small fortune so we weren't very confident that we'd get in for a reasonable price but it was worth a try. After about 30 minutes, I sent Wes up to a different area and I stayed down at the bottom.
About 5 minutes later I saw two tickets in Wes' hands! A guy from Europe walked off the subway and walked straight to Wes. He had two extra tickets and sold them to us for a STEAL of a deal! He had tickets right next to us so I think he found the first normal looking person he saw knowing he'd have to spend the day with them! We were thrilled and spent the entire day watching tennis. We watched Serena Williams win, Rafael Nadal win (i love him!) and Venus Williams lose. It was a great day of tennis!

On Sunday night we went straight to Bleecker Street Pizza to pick up grandma style pizza. Laurel got it for us last time and we'd been craving it for a year! We took the pizza over to Laurel and Brad's and visited with them a little more.
We slept in a little on Monday, too and then roamed around the city for a bit before we had to catch our flight home. The best part about this trip to NYC is that we were there to watch tennis so we didn't worry about seeing anything in New York other than the tennis courts. We allowed ourselves to catch up on some sleep after having two nights of only getting 3.5 hours instead of getting up early to be out on the town.
A few other things about our trip:
- New York has PERFECT weather right now. It made me really excited for FALL in LV. We have a while, though.
- Walking everywhere is fabulous. We loved it.
- We did so well with the Subway this time! Last year when we were in NYC we took taxis quite a bit but we took the Subway almost the entire time this trip. Wes knew where he was going most of the time and a few times I pulled through and got us where we needed to go.
- Holy cow, there are some very smelly parts of NYC. Not enjoyable for a pregnant lady.
TENNIS ROCKS! The only bummer was that I missed my 10 year high school reunion. Yes, it's been ten years! But we had a great time on our weekend getaway.
How wonderful! What a great trip. I want to go.
Dear Pregnant Lady:
You do not look pregnant. YOU LOOK FABULOUS! Not that you can't look both, but right now, you only look one.
And coming from someone who planned her ten year reunion, You made the right choice by choosing this weekend getaway!
Your money was better spent on a Grandma pizza than a reunion. Just go on Facebook and it will be the same thing for free....
What a cool trip! Even better that the flights and hotel were free! Glad you guys had fun. I'm looking forward to fall, too. :)
I love this recap! It was so fun to see you guys. Thanks for hanging out with us :)
I agree with the other comments, you look really great! That trip sounds great (except jessie would probably prefer all the tennis, and I would prefer all the good eating and Wicked)!
looks and sounds like a great trip! AND, you don't even look pregnant yet. You look great!!!
You guys are always doing fun things! I am jealous :)
I am officially jealous you had a weekend of pure bliss at the U.S. open. A dream of mine as well. So for now, I will just live through you!
whoa! i had no idea you were in ny! i don't think you missed a thing by skipping out on the reunion. what a fun trip...i did chuckle, though, thinking of your sensitive nose in a stiiinky city!
Item #1: I'm loving what you are doing with your pictorials!! Absolutely love the writing and how you put them together... man you are good.
Item #2: What a FANTASTIC weekend - you totally left out that you saw Wicked when we talked last week - seriously fantastic show. But you know this.
Item #3: Um... are you sure you're prego? You don't look it. AT ALL. Lookin' hot my dear, lookin' hot (not to say uber-prego-due-in-6-weeks-women don't look hot... oh wait, they don't).
Item #4: I finally blogged (like 3 times in one night - you'd be proud).
Item #5: The pic of you and Wes is awesome. Such a handsome couple.
Love you.
Jealous - I watched the whole thing - from my couch though. Now Dave and I know who to plan our vacations with!
Man..we're REALLY boring compared to you guys! :) I'm glad you had such a fun time. I'm totally excited for the fall to come, too!!!
P.S. Your niece Abbie (is that her name?) is in Halle's preschool class. I FINALLY put 2 & 2 together. The first time I saw her I kinda thought she looked familiar, but I just pushed it off cause I always think people look familiar to me (Tom always laughs at me about it). Then I kept thinking she looked familiar and racking my brain as to WHY. I think I've probably seen pictures of her on your blog or something?? I've never seen your sister, but it's Abbie that I kept thinking "DANG I know her" :) Now I gotta talk to your sister and tell her I know you :) Kinda fun, huh?!
Looks like a really fun trip! I don't even like tennis and it looks like fun :)
I am so jealous!!! Ryan and I have become huge tennis fans, well he always was and now I am hooked. When there is a tournament going on that is all we do. I wish I would have gone with you guys to go and see wimbledon tennis grounds when we were in London. I have yet to go to any matches, maybe next year! I amso happy that you guys had such a great time and got in to see all those great matches!
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