Yep, we're having a baby!
The ultrasound above was done at 10 weeks. I never got a 4D ultrasound with Nate but I got one this time. Talk about amazing! This little guy is the size of a bean so to be able to see the detail like you can see above was awesome.
A few things about this pregnancy . . .
- I am 13 weeks along. 1/3 of the pregnancy is already over!
- I am due on February 15th. Fingers are crossed we don't have a Valentines baby for his/her sake.
- We've only known about this little runt for a few weeks! Long story.
- I am already looking fat. I can't wait until I look pregnant instead of looking like I ate too many twinkies. Shouldn't be long at this rate.
- Have I been sick? Not really. I went through a phase where I got nauseous if I didn't eat all day long. So, I ate all day long and was fine! And now, I'm feeling normal.
- I was absolutely exhausted for about a month. I'm still tired but nothing like before!
- My ultra-pregnancy-smeller-nose has kicked in. Oh, man.
The ultrasound above was done at 10 weeks. I never got a 4D ultrasound with Nate but I got one this time. Talk about amazing! This little guy is the size of a bean so to be able to see the detail like you can see above was awesome.
A few things about this pregnancy . . .
- I am 13 weeks along. 1/3 of the pregnancy is already over!
- I am due on February 15th. Fingers are crossed we don't have a Valentines baby for his/her sake.
- We've only known about this little runt for a few weeks! Long story.
- I am already looking fat. I can't wait until I look pregnant instead of looking like I ate too many twinkies. Shouldn't be long at this rate.
- Have I been sick? Not really. I went through a phase where I got nauseous if I didn't eat all day long. So, I ate all day long and was fine! And now, I'm feeling normal.
- I was absolutely exhausted for about a month. I'm still tired but nothing like before!
- My ultra-pregnancy-smeller-nose has kicked in. Oh, man.
- Out-of-the-ordinary cravings? Bagels and cottage cheese.
- While Nate has no idea what this new baby will mean to his life - he sure loves saying "baby mommy tummy". He even gives my tummy a raspberry and says "hi baby."
I really do enjoy being pregnant so I'm excited for the next 6 months!
- While Nate has no idea what this new baby will mean to his life - he sure loves saying "baby mommy tummy". He even gives my tummy a raspberry and says "hi baby."
I really do enjoy being pregnant so I'm excited for the next 6 months!
woo hoo! congrats to all of you! hope the pregnancy continues to go well, let me know if you need anything.
Congratulations Lindsay!! I am so excited for you! The ultrasound pic is awesome!
Oh man you guys make CUTE kids! So exciting!
We couldn't be MORE excited for you guys! Hope the next 6 months breeze by. Nate will be such a great big brother!
One of these days, if you're willing to share, I'd love to hear the "long story" part. :)
Congratulations!! We are excited for you. We hope this pregnancy will go well for you. Nate will be a great big brother. The ultrasound picture is pretty detailed. Those are fun.
Congrats! That is so exciting! And by the way, Nate's face in that picture is classic.
That family picture is too cute! Kids make the funniest faces! Congratulations on the baby! I love being pregnant too!
Yeah! We are thrilled! Can't wait! Thanks for having Nate share the BIG news!
About dang time! Just kidding! We really are so excited for you guys. If we ever figure out how to do 2 kids we'll let you know our secret...not likely!
I agree...Nate is looking pretty thrilled. Just about as excited as when he received his "Big Brother" book and I lost the hearing in my right ear.
I think he loves the tummy and the kisses but already knows that a baby means trouble....
Thrilled that all is going well! I would love a pregnancy where I found out that I was almost through the first trimester before I even knew I was pregnant...lucky you. WE can't wait for February!!!
Congrats!!! I had hear the news through the grape vine.. okay just from your mom to my MIL. So wonderful!!!
Congrats! (hehe)
PS - You don't look fat, I just saw you in a swimsuit.
yippee! we're so happy for you.
Who knew 4D even existed?? How exciting for you guys!
hooray for babies! couldn't be happier for you.
Congrats! Babies are so fun!
... don't worry about the Valentines thing. I am a Valentine baby and have always loved it.
i want to watch the froggy movie again :)
Congrats! This is so exciting. Hope everthing goes well. You beat all of us!
I'm coming to town on wednesday and stayin at megans but I have to leave on thurs. HOpe I see everyone.
Best news ever!!! Congrats! I am excited because we can share in our pregnancy joys and miseries together. We are only due 2 weeks apart! I am due Feb. 1st! Awesome!
Clever post. Can't wait to see baby 1/3.
YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you guys. And, I especially appreciated the phone call. I'm glad that you weren't too sick in the 1st trimester.
Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you. Cool picture and at so young... You will be amazing. I am happy that you have not been too sick, and serioulsy about not finding out too early, it just makes it go by faster. With my second- I ddin't tell anyone until I was about 16 weeks. It was seriously the fastest pregnancy. Congrats again!
How crazy is it that I was just wondering to myself the other day when you were going to have another one!! So excited for you!!!
Yay! Congrats!
Congrats to you! Hope everything goes well and I doubt you look fat. Love all of the cravings already! Hope to see you in August.
Oh I guess that is this month. (In a couple of weeks) Still a little airheaded.
Congratulations! I'll let Joe know.
YEAH! That is so awesome! CONGRATS! But I want to hear this story that is a "long" story!????
So exciting! I love that you didn't know for forever. I would love to (when I decide I want another baby) all the sudden find out I was like 3 months along. It would be so great.
Congrats!! I hope all goes well, cant wait to see him/her!
Congratulations!! I just hit my 20 week mark and we're so excited to FINALLY have a girl! After 2 crazy little boys, we won't know what to do with a girl....hahaha! NEways, I'm super excited for you guys!!
WOOHOO!!! Congrats Lindsay! That's awesome. I'm so happy that you're not sick. That's always something I like hearing especially since I get so sick. I'm excited to hear about the pregnancy throughout!! :)
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