Monday, August 17, 2009

{SIX} years

Yesterday, Wes and I had our 6 year anniversary. Six years! For some reason it hit me this year that that's kind of a long time. I mean, not really in the scheme of things but it just seems like a long time right now. It's been a great six years and I can't imagine life any other way than it is now.

Wes is truly my best friend and I'm glad that he's mine!

We were able to go out on a date tonight - dinner and a movie! It's been months and months and months since that has happened so it was a nice treat. Thanks Kiley and Brandon for taking care of Nate for us!

Love you, babe.


Teisha said...

Happy Anniversary! And Congrats on being pregnant. I can't wait to hear what your having. Glad your feeling well!

laurel said...

Happy Anniversary! So glad you're coming - email me the details when you know more!

mrs. timberlake said...

Hello! Details..... where did you go to dinner?
and - - -

Happy Six Years!

Amander said...

Congrats on the six years! I can remember when you guys were just married and Sam and I used to come and play Settlers every weekend. Such fun times.

Trisha said...

Happy anniversary!

Becky Chatwin said...

Happy anniversary! It goes so fast, doesn't it?

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Congrats! 6 years really is a long time! That's exciting!

Doreen Griffeth said...

Happy Anniversary! Where did the time go! You are such a special family! It is so fun to watch your family grow! We are so glad that you found each other!

Laurel said...

That is so, so, so crazy. 6 years is a long time. That's more than a fifth of your lifetime! Anyway, congrats! Glad you two are still as happy as ever, and that I was there to witness it from the beginning!

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Congratulations..... time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it!! We'll hit our 7 years in a couple months and can't believe it's been that long!