On Thursday, Sam and I spent the day with my mom's family. My grandma has been dying to see Nate so I went up a little early so she could see him. {I did manage to escape for an hour to visit my friends & old co-workers at R&R Partners . . . it was fun to catch up with them!} He was quite naughty that day so my mom's family got to experience a little bit of the terrible two's. My Uncle James and cousin Guthrie were so cute to sit on the floor with Nate for a long while playing trains.
Our main reason for going to Salt Lake was to be at the sealing of my Aunt Kara and Uncle Allan in the Salt Lake Temple on Friday. It was a beautiful sealing and we were so glad we were able to go. Their son Devin was sealed to them that day, also. It was a happy day. {Thanks Shannon & Scott for taking Nate for us! When I knocked on the door to pick Nate up . . . Nate opened the door, saw me and said "NO! More play!" and shut the door in my face.}
After the sealing, my Aunt Leslie had the entire family {which is ALOT of people} over to her house to have a BBQ. Her backyard is beautiful so while it was a little toasty that day . . . the surroundings and company were great.
My family {minus the Thompson kiddos who stayed in LV}
a few people at the BBQ . . .
Nate with Papa John
We figured we'd stay the weekend to hang out with family!
We stayed with my Aunt Tina & Uncle Gary on Thursday and Friday night. They have a beautiful home and are always so nice to open it up to us! Nate LOVED their house. My aunt Tina watches her two {2} year old grandsons every day so she has lots of toys and fun things for little boys. Plus, they have a doggie. He was in heaven.
On Saturday Nate got to spend some time with his 2-year-old-second-cousin Zeke.

We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning with Tina/Gary/Zeke. Wes and I got some delicious sweet corn, fresh peaches & honey. {we made Raspberry Peach jam last night with some of our peaches!} After the Market, we headed to Thanksgiving Point with Tina and Zeke to go to the farm where they are able to see and pet lots of animals. They had fun!

Nate LOVED riding the ponies!
On Saturday late afternoon, we said goodbye to Tina and Gary and headed over to my cousin, Shannon & Scott's home. We spent ALOT of time with them when we lived in Utah and we really haven't seen them for more than a few minutes since we moved four years ago so we figured it was time. The kids played for a while . . . we put them to bed . . . and then Shannon's sister came over to sit there while we went out to dinner. We came home and started chatting downstairs until Shannon said, "it's 1:30am, we should probably go to bed." I was shocked . . . I'm never up that late! At 2:15am, we finally went to bed. We obviously had a lot of catching up to do. Needless to say we were all a little tired the next day.Nate with Zack & Ella
On Sunday, we stopped by to see our dear friends, The Andrus'. Ryan & Leslie just had another baby {Tyler} a few weeks ago so we got to meet him. What a beautiful newborn! It was fun to briefly catch up with them. We miss you guys.
Nate was there just long enough to torment Millie. :)
That shirt in the last picture is hilarous! Emma did the same thing to me last week that Nate did to you. I got home from the temple and she started pushing me back towards the garage and saying "GO GO GO! Go back to the temple!" She was having too much fun with her grandma and aunt Jen
That shirt in the last picture is hilarous! Emma did the same thing to me last week that Nate did to you. I got home from the temple and she started pushing me back towards the garage and saying "GO GO GO! Go back to the temple!" She was having too much fun with her grandma and aunt Jen
So glad you had such a great time! You guys find fun wherever you go!
Thanks for the great pics!
looks like a fun trip. love your shirt in the last picture!
Glad you all had another fun trip! I too am a fan of the shirt in the last picture!
Hey it was so good to see you guys. It seemed like it had been a really long time between visits, but I guess we were there in May - feels longer than that. And I forgot to tell you while you were here that you look great!
i do love your t.shirt. very cute. do you think i could get away with wearing it?
i hope nate realizes some day what fun parentals he has and how well traveled he is.
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