Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This much snow in the desert. One week away from Christmas. Counts as a White Christmas in my book.

Sometime around noon . . . I looked out the window and saw that it was snowing. So I went outside and took a picture of the flurries falling from the sky. This is a very rare occurance and I didn't think it'd last very long so I had to take a picture.

Around 3ish, it was still snowing. ALOT. It looked like this.

By this time I'd been staring at the pretty white for 3 hours and decided it was time to go play. So I bundled Nate up and we played in the driveway. That's what you do in the desert when you don't have grass. It was really fun! He had a good time RUNNING around and eating the snow.

A little later it looked like this in Sam's neighborhood.

And it's still snowing. I'm close to being 100% sure that this has never happened here before. I just walked outside, yet again, and we have enough snow that I can't see a curb. It's just one big street. That's quite a few inches for a town that doesn't own a snow plow and doesn't have salt on hand. Tomorrow morning could be interesting.

Unfortunately Wes was supposed to come home tonight from his business trip but our airport is shut down so he's still in California. If he were here, I'd have him outside playing in the snow with me!


Lauren said...

Why do you even own such cute winter garb for Nate? I don't know what I would do. I just ordered some jackets online, but a cute matching HAT? You are on top of things. And okay, I'll admit, I'm a teensy bit jealous of the snow- only because we know it will be gone soon.

Lauren said...

Oh, and I just noticed boots! Well done.

familyof4 said...

Wasn't this such much fun? We got 6 inches and it's still falling right now (10:45)I'm excited for tomorrow to play in it again.
Very cute outfit.

Becky Chatwin said...

They were saying on the news that this hasn't happened since 1979. I couldn't believe how much snow we had falling. Some of our poor little trees in the backyard are bent over! I didn't think it would last either, and Rich even came home at noon to play with Emma in the little snow flurries. Little did we know!

Lillie said...

Holy COW!!! I knew the storm was crazy... we've got snow all over our mountains... but I didn't realize it snowed in Vegas! Holy cow! I'm so jealous. It's been years since it's snowed there right??

Alisha said...

That's crazy. Hope you all enjoyed it...that's the nice thing about Vegas you know that the snow won't last and next week it could be 75.

The Skeehan Family said...

Pretty jealous right now. Heard the storm hit a high pressure thing and totally just side-swiped our state and then headed north. WHATEVER.

Amazing amazing. Still in awe.

Sorry it kept Weston R. away, though.

laurel said...

this is crazy!!! i can't believe it. how fun for nate to play in the snow! we're getting the same thing today.

Street Fam said...

I remember it snowing one time in Las Vegas. It was on Christmas Day, and nothing stuck. But, it was snow! I can't believe the pictures. That is crazy.

Julie T. said...

We also loved the snow! So crazy!! Nate looks so cute in his jacket- he is always so well dressed:) Also, love your Christmas card.

katierose said...

i love that picture of nate. he looks like he has a trick up his sleeve! that day will go down in the books. my mom remembers the snow of '79 and said we got twice as much as that year!