My parents are only 10 days apart . . .today is my mom's birthday and my dad's birthday is on January 1st. So we celebrated both of their birthdays tonight at one of our favorites . . .Metro Pizza.
Good food. Great company! Happy Birthday, mom & dad.
What does it say about you, me, your blog, or -- well me, that I knew the restaurant would be Metro Pizza when I saw the picture. Mind you, I don't live in Vegas, and have never eaten at Metro Pizza. But I declare myself an official blog stalker ---- apparently.
one more thing, i just popped over to your sis' blog. HELLO CUPCAKE LADY! Loved them, even the firecracker!
And after reading her story about the Costco Chicadee, let me tell you about the German Helmet Hat Wearing Motorcycle driver with his less than lady like female companion who stole my parking place, after which words insued.
no one is even looking in that picture but me... i should have stayed under the table.
Happy B-day Barb and John!
how fun! you know, EVERY time we eat at metro i think of you. every single time.
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