I had to blog about Miss Hadley because she is by far Nate's favorite person. It helps that they are pretty much the same age and they don't fight. Well, as long as the coveted toy of the day is hidden.
Anytime I ask Nate, "do you want to play with Hadley today?" He says "Haaad" & nods his head yes with a huge smile. He'll cooperate with just about anything if I drop Hadley's name. They are really cute together. They love giving & receiving hugs and kisses & are quite the little duo. Nate loves his friend, Hadley.
Lucky for Nate, I think she is pretty fond of him too.
Nate and Hadley thought they wanted to see Santa. They were very anxious to get through the door but had death grips on their parents as soon as they went inside!
You said it all so well! I love it. They make me laugh. And I agree with your post about the biggest loser!
So cute! He reminds me of his father!
Um, Addison and Mackenzie are extremely upset about the cavalier mentioning of another girlfriend.
Granted, distance is an issue, and we accept that.... but it still hurts.
p.s. she is awfully cute!
cassie is going to be jealous...
so cute! I love little friends! That reminds me of Megan's JACK and Carlaya when they were little. They were BFF'S from infancy through 3 years old. Carlaya stills loves Jack and plans to wed him some day! LOL but with us so far away, they are slowing drifting apart. Something about long distance not working! LOL LOL LOL
I dare to not even share this blog with Claire... she would become quite heartbroken. Although since we haven't seen each other in forever and the the kiddos probably would even recognize one another, I guess this "other" girl was inevitable ;)
But we'll be changing that very very soon.
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