Sunday, December 14, 2008

36 hours in snow-covered utah to see some family.

{Side Note: I was TERRIBLE with the camera this weekend!}

One thing we miss about living in Utah is the time we got to spend with aunts/uncles, cousins & grandparents. The majority of both Wes' extended family and my extended family live in the SLC area so when an opportunity came up to see some of Wes' side and some of my side on the SAME DAY, we decided to head to Utah for the weekend. We also got a taste of a white Christmas which was good enough for me. I'm all about visiting the snow. :)

Reason #1 for going to Utah: Griffeth family Christmas Party.

Reason #2: For me to go to the Nutcracker with a bunch of ladies that I love: my grandma, aunts, cousins, family friends, mom & Sam. {A little background information: my grandpa started Ballet West in Salt Lake and coreographed the first Nutcracker so it holds a special place in my family}.
On Saturday morning snow was definitely falling from the sky. We luckily managed to make it to the party without sliding off the road. As we drove up the hill on 9400 South, cars were spinning coming down so we were quite relieved when we pulled in the parking lot for the party. It was so good to see Wes' aunts/uncles & cousins. It's been a really long time so it was fun to catch up. They have a tradition of playing whoopi and then this noise game that's really funny to watch. Nate loved playing with Wes. After each round he'd turn to Wes and sign "more".

{Nate playing with his second cousin, Alexis}
Reason #2 for the trip didn't happen for me. My mom was going to come get me from the Griffeth party to go to the Nutcracker but the roads were terrible so I told her to stay in SLC. So I missed the actual Nutcracker but Wes, Nate & I went to my grandma's that night and got to see everyone so that was nice. Nate was the life of the party at my grandma's. He put on quite a performance with his animal sounds and "show-off" personality.
{I know this picture doesn't make Nate look very cute, but I have to document his funny faces that he likes to make lately. This is one of them & Sam was able to capture it on camera.}
Andrea Rogers, Wes' aunt, was nice enough to let us stay with her over the weekend. It was great to see her, too! Thanks Andrea for letting us stay in your beautiful home.


Kiley said...

I don't miss the snow thats for sure! I love Nate's funny faces he makes. He is so funny.

Hillary said...

Looks like fun. Im glad you were safe in the treacherous weather! Next time you come up to Utah we need to hook up for dinner!

The Skeehan Family said...

Okay, so here's a comment on lots of your posts since I have been uber MIA...

The Santa post - Claire and Nate will get along splendidly - she LOST it when Dan tried to put her on Santa's lap at the Ward Christmas party... yeah, maybe 1 is a hard year to be close to a man whose beard covers most of his face, is huge and covered in red.

25 Days of Christmas post - that is SO fun!!! Wow. What a neat tradition - Nate will definitely be a pro by Christmas. And Doreen must be so organized to get that done so early and get it to you BEFORE the 25 days start. Wow.

Utah post - mmmmmmmmmm snow, LOVE it LOVE it. Although the driving in it always freaked me out, so glad you guys didn't try to make it to the Nutcracker. Glad it was so successful and fun though. And love the picture of you Wes and Nate playing the game. Hilarious.

The Skeehan Family said...

oh, and LOVE the top picture of Nate - that's priceless.

Doreen Griffeth said...

There is a reason we DON'T live in Utah! Thanks for reminding me!
Looks like you had a great time and thanks for representing the Griffeths at the party!

mrs. timberlake said...

Love the snow covered picture.

Jealous that you get out and about on these little 24 - 36 - 48 hour weekend getaways. You are amazing.

Alisha said...

Glad you all had a fun and safe trip. One of these years we will have to make our way to Utah for the Christmas Party!