Wes parents live in Georgia so when they are on the west coast, we try to see them. They happened to be enjoying their Thanksgiving week at a timeshare in San Diego so we met them yesterday to go to the San Diego Zoo. Wes and I both had to work today so we flew down yesterday morning and flew back last night!
We all had a great time. It was fun to see Grandma & Grandpa G and the San Diego Zoo is awesome. It was my first trip to any zoo other than Hogle Zoo in SLC so I was very impressed. Nate especially had such a fun day. He only took two 20-minute snoozes but was happy the entire time. Such a trooper {when he's having fun!}. It's always fun to see so many animals...
Nate LOVED the children's petting zoo. He would have stayed in there all day with the goats.
Nate spent the majority of the day on Wes' shoulders. When we were looking at the reptiles, he stuck his tongue in and out like an iguana. Then we'd look at the monkeys and he'd make his "oohh oohh" monkey sounds. etc. It was fun that he knew a lot of the animals and the sounds they make.
Nate ended the day by clapping "yeah for the zoo!"