I can't believe I have a 7 month old.
He's been giving me a run-for-my-money lately with his crazy "I don't want milk from mom" and his "flips" while he sleeps. He's been flipping himself over and getting stuck throughout the night and his naps which has been interesting. He's quite a character!
He is definitely more of a little boy to me than a little baby. He's so interactive & I love seeing his personality develop. This month he really started doing things on his own which is WONDERFUL for me! We moved on to Stage 2 food and he loves it. I also started giving him the Gerber puffs as a snack and he LOVES being able to feed himself! It only took him a few tries before he could get them in his mouth on his own. He sees the can of puffs and starts kicking his legs and reaching for them. His other favorite snack is to suck on fruit through his mesh bag. He still throws his mini-tantrums when I take the bag away to re-fill it. He also loves his sippy cup. It's nice to be able to leave something in front of him knowing he can get it when he wants it. He really likes to drink water.

He's been sitting up for a month or so but now he rarely falls over. I LOVE that he sits in a highchair at restaurants and he loves sitting in the shopping cart at the grocery store. He especially loves Target for some reason. He holds on tight to the cart and makes a bunch of noise & looks around at everything going on. It makes me not dread going grocery shopping because he loves it now.
Prior to getting sick, he was sleeping through the night. When he finally gets better, I'm hoping we get back to that.

My favorite new things are: He shakes his head no at you. He isn't saying "no"....he just likes to shake his head. It's funny to watch. He's a little bashful. If you're holding him and someone makes him laugh, he buries his head in your shoulder as he's laughing. Changing his diaper and getting him dressed is definitely a challenge. He flips over in what seems like less than a second! We have to pin him down to get a diaper on. I don't think he's going to crawl anytime soon because he still hates being on his tummy. If we put him on the couch he does this army crawl but the minute he's on the floor he is too focused on getting off his belly than moving. He does like to pull himself up on things, though! He's such a joy in our home. He keeps getting more and more fun!

{sick of pictures}

{on a
walk in our jogging stroller}

{he loves being outside and on walks}

{sitting outside on a nice day}

{the first time he ate a puff}

{playing with his cousin, Abbie}
Nate LOVES his dad. Wes can get him laughing more than anyone else....

{Wes playing "peek a boo" after Nate was done eating}

{Nate loves to "fly" with dad}

LOVES hair. It's quite painful!}