Monday, August 19, 2013

Our little lady in 3D


It’s always fun to see your baby while you’re pregnant.  My doctor doesn’t do a ton of ultrasounds (especially without maternity insurance) so when I saw a cheap Groupon for a 3D ultrasound, I snagged it.

I really wanted a confirmation that we were in fact having a girl.  I’m used to seeing boys on the screen and it’s always super obvious it’s a boy. 

So Wes and I took the boys to the ultrasound and it was pretty fun.  The 3D thing usually is a little creepy to me but we had fun!  The ultrasound tech knew I was looking for a gender confirmation and it only took her about 2 seconds to be able to confirm GIRL.

Ryan was absolutely hilarious while we were in there.  He was well-behaved but just as quirky as he can be.  The ultrasound lady thought he was so funny and kept mentioning that our little girl was going to have fun with her big brother.

She is constantly moving in my belly so it was hard to get her to hold still enough to get a good look.  And she was eating her hands the entire time.  But we were able to snap a few of her little face and chubby cheeks.  I think she looks like Ryan.

We’re excited to meet her.




Melissa Snyder said...

How sweet! We love getting 3D ultrasounds. We did those on all of our babies. Fun to see them in action. So exciting that you guys are finally getting a girl. Welcome to the world of pink! Those boys are just going to love her to death.

J-Leav said...

Even before I read all of your post, I said to myself, "My goodness! That's a little Ryan lady!" They look sooooo much alike to me too. How fun!! I'm so excited to meet her.

mrs. timberlake said...