Sunday, August 4, 2013

Date Nights with Nate & Ryan

On Wednesday night, Kiley called me laughing to ask me a question.  She asked if Nate and I wanted to join Kiley and Hadley at the One Direction concert on Friday night at Mandalay Bay.  Her cousin gave her 4 tickets and we decided it would be a fun outing.  And it was!

We took Nate & Hadley to California Pizza Kitchen to celebrate their 6th birthdays.  They each brought a birthday present for each other and thought it was so cool they each got a present.  They also loved their birthday sundaes.  Kids had a great time together and I always enjoy time with Kiley!

nate and his birthday sundae (1 of 1)

had birthday sundae (1 of 1)

nate and his mama at CPK (1 of 1)

Ki and Had (1 of 1)

nate eating sundae (1 of 1)

Off to the concert we went.  We had floor seats!   While floor seats are great, it was a little loud for Hadley.  Not only are concerts just loud but adding in the extreme girl fan screams right around us and it wasn’t her favorite outing.  They do put on a good concert, though!  Nate really liked it.  Once the grouchy bouncer told the kids they couldn’t stand on the seats I was happy to leave early because holding an almost-6-year old with a belly like mine is not comfortable!  We picked up treats on our way out and went home.  Fabulous night with our friends!

stage (1 of 1)

nate in the concert (1 of 1)

concert treats! (1 of 1)

Ryan filled up his good behavior jar and earned an extra fabulous night out with dad.  They went to the putting green, Chipotle with Aunt Sam, Chuckee Cheese & an ice cream cone.  Dad’s sure know how to go overboard, that’s for sure.  Ryan loved it.

happy golfer (1 of 1)

Ry golfing (1 of 1)

guacamole man (1 of 1)

chuckee cheese (1 of 1)

icecream cone (1 of 1)

We heart date nights with our boys.


mrs. timberlake said...

i canNOT handle how grown up Ryan looks. Jeeze Louise... when on earth did that happen??!?!?!

Melissa Snyder said...

Happy Birthday to you Nate! Looks like the party was a hit! A swim pool party can never go wrong.
Hope you are feeling well Lindsay!