Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nate’s first day of Kindergarten

nate day 1 with sign (1 of 1)


Nate’s first day of Kindergarten was a much awaited day.  He’s been asking about it for a very long time and the first day did not disappoint.

We met his teacher, Ms. Maclean, on Friday night at the Bartlett open house.  She’s perfect.  She’s got 20 years experience of teaching at Bartlett and this is her second year teaching all-day Kindergarten and she says it’s the best.  She’s super nice and kind but also makes sure rules and order exist in her class.  A perfect combination in a teacher if you ask me.  A funny thing to remember about this night is we had been playing at a splash park for a lot of the day so Nate needed to take a shower.  He showered, got out & put on a very nice outfit to meet his teacher and did his hair.  Like I said, he was pretty excited about anything Kindergarten!

I explained to Nate over the weekend that now that he was a big Kindergartener he needed to get up, make his bed, have breakfast and get completely ready to leave before we watch TV or play with anything. {This was a must to ensure a somewhat peaceful morning!}  He woke up earlier than usual on Monday and went right downstairs.  When I saw his door open I peeked in there only to find a completely clean room and made bed.  Love this boy.

he made the bed (1 of 1)

He was very excited to get his lunch packed & in his backpack.  He got completely ready & then asked about every 2 minutes if it was time to leave yet.  Wes, Ryan & I took him to school early so he could play on the Kindergarten playground for a bit before school.  He had his backpack, big ol’ bag of supplies and a little gift for his teacher and he walked through the gates and didn’t look back. 

When Ryan and I went back to get him at 3:21pm, he came out of his classroom beaming with a huge grin.  I asked him how it went and he said . . . “I loved it!”

It’s going to be a good year.

{Of course Ryan had to get in on some first day photos, too}.

N goofy face with sign (1 of 1)

ryan with nates sign (1 of 1)

the boys (1 of 1)


Lauren said...

Your boys are seriously the cutest! Glad Nate is loving kinder.

Melissa Snyder said...

Cute kids! Hope Nate enjoys Kindergarten! I am sure it is a little quiet around the house while he is gone.

The Skeehan Family said...

That is PERFECT!!! And I love the little signs, you always have the most brilliant ideas. Glad Naters loves kindergarten :)