Thursday, May 19, 2011

I knew Ryan would be my first child to end up in the ER.

or Urgent Care in our case.

But first things first about TODAY.

nate in the book

It was NATE’s last day of preschool this year!  I can’t believe an entire school year has gone by.

Miss Monaca had a “last day of school” party today that Nate’s been pretty excited about.  The moms were invited for the last half for the piñata and lunch.  Nate thought it was so cool that Ryan and I got to come to his school.

preschool kiddos (1 of 1)

harrison and nate (1 of 1) 

nate with pinata (1 of 1) 

Nate has loved school this year.  He has a passion for learning and I love that he’s had such a great experience.  I love dropping him off every Tuesday/Thursday to see him so excited jumping out of the car, throwing on his backpack, and running to the door.  Two of his favorite buddies were with him – Hadley & Harrison – and he made friends with everyone else in his class.  They were all such a cute group of 3 year olds. 

Now on for the dramatic part of my day involving MR. RYAN.

Ryan and Mom at Urgent Care - tooth through lip (1 of 1)

After pre-school drop off, Alex & I went over to Kiley’s to kill a little bit of time before we got to go to school for the party.  It was a potluck lunch so we were finishing up chopping a few things and just hanging out.  I had a pretty good eye on Ryan so he wouldn’t attack baby Grayson or baby Henry . . . but instead of attacking them he decided to climb on to a kitchen chair and then FALL off of it in a matter of 3 seconds.

He immediately started crying so I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder and screamed.  Finally he lifted up his head and that’s when I saw all of the blood.  I immediately called for reinforcements!  Alex & Kiley were on top of it and came up with lots of solutions to calm him down and figure out what the problem was.  His tooth had gone almost all the way through his lip.  There was a good gash out of his little lip that was really swollen and inflamed – a total fat lip with a chunk missing.  As soon as Ryan got a little cup of crushed ice to suck on – he totally calmed down and was such a trooper.  Seriously – he wins an award for his performance today.

I never know when something is bad enough to see a doctor over so we called a med-school friend and he recommended that we go get it checked out just in case.  Probably for the best anyway so I wouldn’t spend the rest of the day/night [Wes is out of town, btw] wondering if he needed stitches!  Nate was so excited for us to come to his party and Ryan was calmed down so we went to the party to celebrate.

And then my awesome friends came to the rescue, again.

Alex took Nate with her to her house.  Megan took both of Kiley’s kids.  And Kiley came with me.  We went to the ER first – only to realize that in all of the commotion my purse was still at Kiley’s.  On our way back to Kiley’s I called our insurance and it was a much better financial decision to go to the Urgent Care next to the hospital so we went there.  Got back to triage rather quickly & the nurse was pretty certain he was going to need stitches so they told us we had to wait for the procedure room to open up.   We waited for a very long time.  I was very glad Kiley was there . . . we rotated following Ryan around the entire bottom floor of the building while the other one sat in the waiting room in case our name was called. 

After hours of being there we finally saw the doctor and after all of that he decided NO STITCHES!  What?!?  He said that Ryan’s little mouth will heal as long as I keep it clean.  He said it would be quite traumatic to give him 1-2 stitches on the inside of his mouth when it wasn’t absolutely necessary so he basically just sent us on our way with some instructions.  I was glad my little guy avoided the stitches but after all of that to leave with nothing?  At least we left without any tears, too.

He’s doing just fine.  He enjoyed a delicious bowl of Aunt Ali’s chicken noodle soup [aren’t sisters great?  coming to the rescue after a long day with a homemade meal].  It’s amazing how much better his mouth looked by the time I put him to bed.  It was started to scab, swelling had gone down & he was still acting normal.

The doctor warned me that I’d have many more Urgent Care visits in my time as a mama.  Lets just hope the next one isn’t for a long while.  But I’m pretty sure it will still be for crazy Ryan.

[thanks to ALL who helped today – I appreciate it!]


Becky Chatwin said...

So scary! I am glad everything is okay now. I hope your next urgent care visit is not for a long LONG time or maybe never....wishful thinking! :o)

Alyssa Griffeth said...

Oh! Poor Ryan (and you!). That's terrible. Maddie is my CRAZY child and it's seriously exhausting.

And I totally feel your pain about the no stitches thing. I had the same thing happen when I sliced my thumb on Easter...An expensive visit to the ER and it ended up that they couldn't even stitch it. Feels like wasted energy, right? At least it's in his mouth though. Don't "they" always say that saliva makes mouth wounds heal super fast? Hope he feels better soon!

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Better luck on the stool next time Ryan. ;)

Sammy said...

and then nate fell on his head...

J-Leav said...

Hopefully he'll be up and attacking smaller children with his uncontainable love soon! Sorry for the bad day Linds...

Alisha said...

I can feel your pain! Glad all worked out and that you have great friends and family to kick in when you need a hand!

Kiley said...

Ryan is a trooper! Glad he is doing better! All i could do was laugh as I was reading that back, what a crazy day. I was laughing at the part where we got to the hospital without your purse:) Of course it had to happen that way!

mrs. timberlake said...

um, can we be honest here... so I was blog stalking back through your posts... and the picture of you and ryan at the hospital... i thought it was sam when i frist read this a few days ago. not until this morning looking through your pics did it pop out as YOU.

Doreen Griffeth said...

So glad things worked out!!! The boys look so grown up!!!
Thanks for the pics!