Thursday, March 3, 2011


Thanks to my handy Droid camera phone, I took some pictures today.  A few more than usual with my phone. 

And today was a good day.  So, why not document it?

. This week was the letter P in preschool.  So they had a Pajama Party and ate Pickles, Popcorn, Pudding, etc.  Nate was pretty stoked to wear his pajamas to school.  Before we left, he said, “I wonder what jammies Had and Harrison will wear.”  He loves his friends.

pajama day at school (1 of 1)

. I was visit taught today by my good friend, Jamie.  Then we were lucky enough to have Abby stay and play for a bit.  Before Ryan woke up, Nate and Abbie were pretending they were married and they were using the tools to build a table.  It went something like this:

Abby: “honey, can you please get me the black hammer?”

Nate: “Sure honey, I’ll be right there.”

the boys with abby leavitt (1 of 1)

. Wes pulled up after a day at the office and decided it was time to mow the lawn.  Nate follows him with his own little mower and I then follow them pushing Ryan in his little car.  Ryan must be a part of the lawn mowing these days.

nate and wes mowing lawn (1 of 1)

. And since I didn’t make dinner, we went to Chipotle and finally used a coupon.  The boys love Chipotle [and so do I!]

dinner at chipotle (1 of 1)

It was a pretty good day.


laurel said...

Definitely a great day! Ashton's preschool had a pajama day too, but I forgot and he showed up as the only one in clothes. Great mom I am. (at least he didn't seem to care!)

leigh and spencer said...

Sounds fun for the kids. I know Spence will enjoy that one too! Tell Wes he has to be the best dressed mower in the neighborhood with his polo on :)

J-Leav said...

Thanks for sharing the photo of our munchkins. Abby talked about Nate over breakfast, she said he is the best husband she has ever had.

Sammy said...

hahahahaha. i'm glad nate has gotten over his fear of girls and having to choose a wife