Sunday, March 27, 2011

a 24 hour visit to the CABIN.

griffeth fam in snow (1 of 1)

We usually make one trip to the cabin every year while it’s covered in snow.  It’s beautiful up there and Nate’s been begging to throw snowballs, make snow angels & build a snowman for months and months.  We’ve had many weekends scheduled to go but the weather always gets in our way.  We knew the weather could be an issue this weekend but we were running out of time so we went anyway.  Nate left Friday morning with my parents & then Wes, Ryan & I drove up on Friday early afternoon. 

Nate instantly LOVED the snow.  As soon as my parents pulled in they got him all geared up and he played outside for a few hours before we got there.  He loved digging with the big shovel.  Next time I’ll bring his sand toys!  He NEVER complained about being cold . . . or wanting to go inside.  Quite the opposite, actually.  He begged and begged to stay out in the snow.  He was nice and toasty in all of the snow gear!

nate with the shovel (1 of 1)

As soon as Wes/Ryan/I arrived, we all got our snow gear on and ventured back outside with Nate.  Wes & Nate climbed up a few snow drifts . . . got out the sled . . . and just had fun being boys.

wes.nate on snow drift (1 of 1)

wes.nate on sled (1 of 1)

nate on sled (1 of 1)


I think it’s safe to say that Ryan did not enjoy his snow clothes or playing in the snow.  He didn’t mind being outside as long as he was being held.  He didn’t like his gloves or a hat which makes for a very cold boy in a matter of minutes!

ryan not loving snow (1 of 1)

ryan and his mama (1 of 1)

Nate was awesome.  He had an absolute blast – it was fun seeing him have so much fun doing something new.  There wasn’t an ounce of fear in this boy – he was ready for any snow adventure we could find.

There was a TON of snow up there.  The snow drifts were 12 feet high in some places!  It was nuts. 

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After a very rough night for the Griffeths [Nate woke up screaming SEVEN times and Ryan screamed for hours] – we got up and went right back in the snow.  Wes let me catch a few more zzzz’s in the morning and then I stayed back with Ryan for a bit while Wes, my dad & Nate took the 4wheelers out.  They made it down to the village and enjoyed some hot chocolate.

wes.nate on 4wheeler (1 of 1)

wes.nate on 4wheeler closer up (1 of 1)

wes.nate on 4wheeler with hot cocoa (1 of 1)

Right after they left, it started snowing.  And it just kept snowing and snowing.

winter wonderland (1 of 1)

The more snow, the better for Nate.

nate loves the snow (1 of 1)

The amount of snow up there made it hard to find a decent hill to sled down.  So while the 4wheelers were out, we got creative on Ponderosa Circle and pulled Nate.  He loved it.

nate on sled behind 4 wheeler (1 of 1)

After a while, Wes went inside and Nate and I had some fun in the snow.

nate and his mom (1 of 1)

nate plopped in snow (1 of 1)

At this point, the snow wasn’t letting up at all.  In fact, it was getting worse and the weather report said it was supposed to snow all the way through Sunday night.  So instead of getting stuck on the mountain, we left on Saturday afternoon! 

lots of snow (1 of 1)

We had to get our cars out from the “driveway” before they got stuck so Wes got creative as we loaded the cars.   He hooked everything to the sled and drove it up the hill on the 4wheeler!

 wes getting creative loading car (1 of 1)   

It was a very quick trip – about 24 hours at the cabin – but well worth it to see how much fun Nate had.  It was a nice 24 hour break to just do something different.  I think we all needed it.

Well, everyone but Ryan.  This was not Ryan’s idea of fun . . . a lot of car riding, lack of sleep, & not being able to spend hours outside.  But he survived.  On the drive to/from the cabin, all he wanted was to hug my arm and have my hand right up to his head.  And then he was calm. 

 ryan hates the car (1 of 1) 

It was an adventure, that’s for sure!


Alisha said...

Poor Ryan! It won't be long before he will be able to enjoy the white stuff as well. Did Nate turn into a icicle? It looks cold! Glad you all had a good time.

J-Leav said...

I love nate's hat! Selfishly, I'm glad it was a quick trip. Sunday without you is the stuff of nightmares for me :)

The Skeehan Family said...

you went!!!! yay!!!!! I just KNEW Naters would have an awesome time... so sad that Ryan had such a lousy time, though (and you by association... :( ) I CANNOT believe all the snow! Holy cow. And I appreciate Wes' creativity. nicely done.

Doreen Griffeth said...

Wow! What an adventure! Fun to visit, but don't miss it yet!

Thanks for the pictures! So happy for nate!

Julie T. said...

Last picture of Ryan is so sad... before you know it he will be right out there with Nate loving it! I am so jealous that you can get to your cabin in just a few hours and enjoy it so much. It takes us 12 hours- not so quick:) Let's go to the park soon!

Laurel said...

poor little Ry-Guy. Looks like Nate had enough fun for the both of them though.

Anya said...

I heard you had a short trip. BUMMER!