You asked for a belly shot - so here you go. Yes, I know . . . it's big. But it's only going to get bigger and bigger!
Here's what's going on at almost s e v e n months pregnant:
. I still eat alot. I'm always hungry. Which explains the weight gain but I can't not eat when I'm that hungry!
. I pee all-day-and-all-night-long. Within two minutes after peeing I have to pee again. No joke.
. I'm entering in to the uncomfortable stage.
. I absolutely love feeling this little man moving around in there. I swear he is a master of karate and kickboxing already.
. Nate loves this baby. I know that will probably change when the baby is out of my belly but for now he's very aware that there's a baby in there. He always tells me to feed the baby or asks to kiss the baby or say hi.
. I haven't prepared at all (other than purchasing a few winter outfits) for this little guy. I don't really have to do much but it's been a different experience with #2 because my thoughts aren't consumed with baby things. They are consumed with keeping up with my toddler!
. My poor legs. This has been the biggest difference with this pregnancy. They are suffering! Especially my left leg. There are veins popping out everywhere and they are swollen from pressure. It's u g l y. I'm really hoping they look normal again one day.
. Speaking of legs, I get serious leg cramps these days. Usually in the middle of the night and I fly out of bed to get rid of it!
. My energy levels go in waves. One week I've got a ton of energy and the next week I have no motivation to do anything.
. A name for this baby? Nope. We're sticking with the same strategy this go-around. We each show up at the hospital with a list of names and once he's born, we pick one! There isn't much discussion (if any at all) about names going on in our house!
. I'm excited to have another little guy but s c a r e d to d e a t h at the same time. The newborn stage is a rough one for me.
. For records sake, there's been a scare of the H1N1 flu this year . . . especially for pregnant women. So, after much debate and researching, I got myself vaccinated a few weeks ago.
. I can't believe this little dude will be here in three months.
This second pregnancy of mine is definitely different than when I was pregnant with Nate but I still really enjoy being pregnant and overall feel really good!
oooooooooohkay. the pictures i saw of your photo day, i thought to myself that girl still does not look preggars.
k. this shot - so dang cute and you look exactly like you should and i love it! (your cardigan is the bomb, too!)
loved this post. newborn stage: amen!
The things I have to look forward to! I already eat a ton (but most of it doesn't stay down) and I pee all the time. But the rest is still to come. Thanks for the reminder!
Any pregnancy other than your first flys by so fast. You have other things to think about and before you know it, he will be here.
I am glad that you are feeling well. We hope all will continue to go well.
Love the belly! I didn't get to see you pregnant with Naters, so I am excited to see you next week! I bet your totally cute pregnant!
YEAH! Love the belly shot, thank you very much! Glad that for the most part you're feeling good, sorry about the veins and the leg cramps. I had a foot cramp in the middle of the night last night...painful. Anyway, looking forward to hopefully seeing you soon!. We'll have to take a prego picture or two of our bellies!
you look beautiful! oh the joys of being pregnant! some really ARE joyous, and some not so much :). i can't believe how close you are...it seems like just a few weeks ago that you announced your pregnancy! i can't wait to meet the little fellah!
I had those crazy dad charlie horse cramps with Abbie and Daisy. I'm sure someone would think we are crazy, hopping out of bed like it is on fire because your leg suddenly has seized up and hurts to bad. Man, I don't miss those....
Oh my gosh! I totally forgot about those leg cramps until I read your post. I used to sleep with bananas by the bed...someone told me the potassium helps? It worked, but only after you're jarred awake by excrutiating pain. Ouch!
You have a cute pregnant belly! I can't wait to see how it goes for you guys having two...I need a role model!
That's a really beautiful picture. Really!
It was fun running into the Marz clan the other night at Cafe Rio! I didn't even realize you were that far along. I thought for sure that was a model shot of a prego belly- turns out its your cute belly:)
Your belly shot is adorable!
Thanks for the belly shot and the update. After being prego myself I love hearing the details of others pregnancies. P.S. you eat as much as you want!
I am glad I have a pal to relate to, so close to the same stage of pregnancy! I do have to say, those leg cramps in the night are awful, I had them like crazy with Tessa but not with this baby. Weird. I am not missing that factor!
Could your picture be any cuter?? I think not :)
OK, you look adorable! I hope I look like that at 27 weeks!
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