Friday, November 6, 2009

do you have a double-stroller recommendation?

I guess with only 3 months and week left of this pregnancy, I should probably start thinking about a few things. One being a double-stroller! So I need your help. I've gotten a few double-stroller recommendations but I thought I'd get a few more before I make a purchase.

Do you love your double-stroller or have one you've been eyeing? Please tell me about it! Here's what I'm looking to use it for:
  • I don't run - but I do walk a decent amount so it can't be a cheapo.
  • I will be taking it to the mall, etc. so it can't be too wide. I struggle enough with a single stroller sometimes!
  • Any tall friends have one with a higher push bar? That's a must so my back doesn't break!

Thanks for your help.


Taralee said...

I LOOOVE mine! I use it often and absolutely couldn't live without it.
-Tom is 6'4" and I've asked him before if the height bothers him and it doesn't.
-It's WONDERFUL for up at the cabin. It's so easy to push in dirt and over rocks (we go on a lot of walks up there)
-It glides very smoothly
-It's very light
-It has a swivle front wheel (which is a MUST FYI)
-My sister bought a different, really nice expensive one, and ended up selling it and buying one just like mine after pushing mine and hers up and down some hills at the cabin. She loved it after really being able to compare them.
-It can fit through almost ALL doors (if you go in nice and straight) I've only not been able to go through 1 door and it was at Terribles Herbst getting my car washed. I'm not saying it's not tight sometimes, but it's a DOUBLE stroller :) Here and there I'll have to crack the other double door to get in, but that doesn't bother me.

Anyway, it's an InSTEP Safari TT. I'll email you the link in a sec.

The Roe Family said...

if i could go back and by another one the one i would get would be the sit-n-stand. it has a basket under, and by like 3 1/2 connor didn't want to sit in a stroller anymore but i think he would stand on the back.

mrs. timberlake said...

here are my two cents.

we had two double strollers. (1)for malls and stores... and (1) for running, walking, trips to zoo, cabin, etc.

the mall one was a peg perego and for the most part i didn't love it. the height for pushing was too low and it felt too flimsy when pushing. BUT, it did it's purpose for ease of getting in and out of the car and through the doors of your standard target, mall, etc.

the off roader (if you will) was an instep. i looooooooooved that one. i will give a shout out to the front wheel having to swivel. that is a MUST. it was very sturdy, easy to push, the height was more comfortable etc. although, it's not the most convenient for maneuvering in and out of the car (at least for me) and i can't see myself loving it at the mall in tight aisles, etc.

if i were you, i would also research those sit and stand dealios. they look awfully cool.

Street Fam said...

I don't have one...but I've pushed around a few a time or two. The sit 'n stand strollers are nice for the zoo, store, etc. I have used a Bob to walk and run. They are pretty snazzy!!! Have fun deciding!!

familyof4 said...

I would highly recommend the BOB Revolution Double. I don't own one, but I have borrowed one and LOVED it. If I had Known about it way back when I would have gotten that one before I bought my other ones. It also has an adapter so a carseat can snap onto it!

We have the Graco Duo Glider stroller {front and back} and the Chicco Trevi Twin {side by side}.

The Graco works great and we still use it on all of our Disneyland trips. It's heavy but I loved how I could take the Baby seat out of the car and fit it right into the stroller without waking the baby. It has tons of storage and the girls take great naps in their seats.

I pretty much hate my Chicco now because I was always having to mess with the wheels. It didn't turn well or fit through doors and the shade covers don't have any shade!!

I'm excited to see what you decide!

Lauren said...

I have the Maclaren Twin Techno and love it. It's so small (fits through doorway, aisle, etc.), really easy to fold up, its durable, light, everything wonderful. It's gotten the job done for the past year and a half. There is no tray, which fulfills two purposes in my opinion. 1- the obvious, you can drop a snack, sippy, etc. 2- just as important, with no bar you ALWAYS have to snap them in, even if they will only be in the stroller for 5 seconds, or they will fly out.
I did a TON of research on bedrest and found that most moms like the side-by-side strollers. They are much easier to push and the kids just do better when they aren't fighting over front/back privileges.
If I could get another stroller, it would be the Baby Jogger City Mini or Classic double. They aren't technically for jogging, but they are so easy to push. The Classic has an extendable bar for the vertically blessed, which is the main reason I would get that over the Mini. The Mini is skinnier. I know there's a bar attachment you can get, I"m not quite sure if you can snap a car seat carrier into the mini, but I know you can with the Classic. I've also heard glorious things about the BOB revolution double. Best of luck!

katierose said...

we have a's a sit and stand stroller. it's great when you have a toddler and a little one because your toddler can hop on and off at will (if you don't strap him, but you CAN strap him if you want). it's nice and narrow and not too long. i don't think the handle is very tall, though...that might be a drawback for you.

jaanderson family said...

congrats on the pregnancy! thats so exciting! i have the jeep double stroller and its so hard to push around. its nice but dont get it! :) i also have the sit and stand and I LOVE it. seriously the best thing ever! the carseat straps on the front for your baby and your little one can sit in the back or stand. I have 3 kids and all 3 can fit! i strap maddoxs carseat in the front and my two kids share the seat in the back. its light, folds up easy and small and I LOVE IT! and it has a basket. i highly recommend it.

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

I was looking at the Phil and Teds for a while but I think I've changed my mind and I am now considering the Uppababy stroller. More pricey with all the attachments than some others, but I've tried it out and I really like it. Here's what I like about's more narrow, you can have your older child sit OR stand, you can put both your toddler and carseat in it at the same time, folds easily, durable for those miles we like to walk, and swivel wheels (which can also be locked if you are going over rougher terrain like grass, etc), it pushes like a dream and it has adjustable pushing bar for taller people like yourself. Oh, and the wheels aren't like most jogger strollers that are inflatable, so there is no risk of a leak or them popping while you're out with 2 kids. I've heard some nightmares about flat stroller tires. Check it out, let me know what you think.

Trisha said...

I have the best stroller EVER. Don't listen to anyone else. It's the Joovy Caboose Ultralight. It is basically a sit 'n stand that has excellent control and durability. It's not a cheapo. Everytime I use it and I'm with Josh I tell him that it's worth every penny and I would've paid double for it. You should try mine out and see how Nate does with it. My kids both love it. It isn't big and bulky like most double strollers. I did a ton of research when I was expecting Ty because having the right stroller was really important to me. It has lots of features that were important to me. I recommend it to everyone.

Bella Beginnings said...

I have the sit and stand from targer. cheap but it is a little hard to push. I think the new ones are probably a little better. That is the one that I take to the mall or places that have flat terrain. I like it because the kids can jump on and off without me running over them, but I also can see the newborn in the carrier in the front. It also can convert to a regular seat where the child faces forward. I also have the kidarooz from costco. They sell it in the spring for $169.00 online it is about $300.00 not through costco. This is the one that I use for jogging, outdoors stuff, disneyland etc. It can be pushed with one hand with 3 kids in it. There is no way for the carseat to be in there, but my kids hate their carseats, but love this thing. There are 2 five point harnesses but I can fit all 3 of my girls in here. It has a mesh cover to protect from the sun and then a plastic cover for when it rains. It also converts to a bike trailor with one bar and is amazing. It is by far my best investment and like I said, I can push it with one hand with 3 (my five year old included) kids inside. It is amazing. check with your local costco, they typically sell them only in the spring for a few months. Good lucl.