Monday, November 11, 2013

Janie: 1 month old

1month (1 of 1)

Can’t believe this little lady is a month old.  We sure do love having her in our family.

She’s quite a good baby – I can’t complain at all about having a hard newborn.  That can always change but so far, so good.

asleep in cozy chair (1 of 1)

asleep on couch with arm in air (1 of 1)

bath time (1 of 1)

big yawn (1 of 1)

cheeks galore (1 of 1)



careat snoozin (1 of 1)

A little bit about Janie . . .

- she smiles!  and “talks”.  It’s pretty cute how responsive she is.

- she loves her binky.

- she loves to sleep in her carseat.  She’s very portable!

- at night she still sleeps in her little papasan chair.  She likes being elevated and is a great sleeper so we’ve kept her there so far!

- she varies between sleeping for four hours at night to sleeping eight {yes, I said 8} hours at night!  Didn’t know that was possible with a 1 month old.

- She’s generally pretty content during the day.  She will let you know when she’s hungry or if she needs a diaper change or a little attention, but is overall a happy girl.

- When she’s awake and laying down, she is almost always kicking one of her legs.

- She’s a little chunk.  At her one month appointment she weighed 11.2 pounds and was 22.5”.  Her head had grown a lot since she was born so Dr. Carrie was talking to me about that.  She measured my head and determined that the big head is probably just genetic.  Lovely.

- she loves her bath.

- She is a great eater.  She latched on from day 1 and has been a great eater.  She’ll nurse or take a bottle!

- She likes to be swaddled.

- She is a cuddler.

- She is very expressive with her hands and eyebrows.

- her nighttime routine consists of her being kept awake . . . a bath around 9pm that calms her down and wakes her up for a little bit . . . mama feeding her and Wes’ magic touch of rocking and cuddles before she’s out!

- Janie and I spent a lot of time sitting in a chair on the driveway watching the boys play outside.

We love this little lady of ours!




janie and ivy (1 of 1)

janie asleep on my legs (1 of 1)

janie crying (1 of 1)

janie girl (1 of 1)

janie sleeping on the carpet (1 of 1)

janie smiling in her sleep (1 of 1)

nate.janie (1 of 1)

sleepy janie (1 of 1)

snoozin (1 of 1)

snoozin on driveway (1 of 1)

yay (1 of 1)


mrs. timberlake said...

ummmmmmmmmmmm, dare I say this little lamb is treating you awfully well?? is this your best newborn month yet?!?!?!?!?

Melissa Snyder said...

So glad that she is a great baby. Where do I get one of those? She is so cute! Love her little outfits and her chubby little cheeks. Glad all is going well. I am glad that you are getting sleep. It makes all t he difference. Beautiful little girl you have.

The Skeehan Family said...

8 hours?! 8 hours!? Hallelujah for you! I swear sleeping is the making of happiness.

And she is beautiful Lindz, just beautiful.

And I don't think she has any shortage of love in your household.