I love Halloween! It’s always a crazy time of year but I love it.
Sometime in September, the boys were both up at 6am and they were downstairs and found a Halloween catalog that came in the mail. They discovered and cut out Ninja costumes and from that day on they knew that’s what they wanted to be. I really tried for Super Heroes but failed. Ninjas were it.

Somehow all of the activities didn’t overwhelm me this year. Only a few involved actual costumes and we just had fun!
PUMPKIN PATCH. We had our annual playgroup trip to the pumpkin patch. I had fun with Ryan while my mom cuddled Janie. We sure missed our big Kindergartener, Nate!

HARVEST FESTIVAL. We’ve gone to Bartlett Elementary Harvest Festival for a few years now with cousins and friends. But this year was SO exciting for Nate because it’s finally his school! He ran around and had a great time saying hello to his cute friends. And once again, was a cake walk winner.

ABBIE’S HALLOWEEN HOOPLA. Abbie had a dance performance combined with a fun carnival that we got to go to. It was super fun! Classic Halloween games and it’s always fun to watch Abbers perform.

GILCREASE ORCHARD. There is an orchard across town that I’ve always wanted to take the kids to. So we finally did! They were out of fruit and the vegetable options weren’t our favorites but the kids loved picking pumpkins and it was a fun, family outing.

PUMPKIN CARVING AT THE SCHENKERS. Natalie hosted a group of us for pumpkin carving and bike riding . . . an annual tradition. Love this night with friends!

PUMPKIN RUN. Nate’s school does a lot of activities that involve exercise for the kids. They had a pumpkin run for all Bartlett families . . . every six laps meant the kids got a prize. We now own a boa and pom poms!

TRUNK OR TREAT. I don’t have pictures to show for this one but it was a great night out with our ward!
HALLOWEEN! We’re finally at Halloween day! It was fun that both kids got to go to school.

I got to go in to Nate’s class to take pictures for a scrapbook project Ali and I are working on. And then went back that afternoon for the school parade.

Trick or Treating was great in our neighborhood with friends.
Another successful Halloween.