Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

Fathers Day

Wes had a pretty nice Fathers Day!  It was a little tricky getting back from a week+ long trip the night before – but we made it work.  Nate and I were busy right before we left for Alabama making a few homemade Fathers Day gifts & wrapping the rest.  Luckily Nate has been asking for weeks to serve Wes a DONUT for breakfast in bed so that was just a quick trip out the night before!  We did manage to get him a bowl of fresh fruit, too.

I willingly got up at 5am with Ryan to let Wes catch some zzzzz’s . . . and then we snuck in at a reasonable morning hour and did breakfast and presents.  Luckily my mom rescued me and had the whole family over for Fathers Day dinner and to do a little celebrating of Sam’s birthday the day before.  Dinner was delicious and Tripp led the kids in the paper airplane championships.

Grandkids on fathers day

Wes sure is a great dad to these boys.  He’s goofy and fun and is always up for a good time with our monkeys.  We sure do love you, Wes!


Alisha said...

Sounds like Wee had a great day! He is a lucky guy'

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Happy Father's Day Griff! :)