Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Preschool Program

Nate had such a great year of preschool this year with Ms. Joy.  She is just darling and has a genuine love for kids that is so amazing.  Nate loves her.  She’s in my parent’s ward [and in our Stake] so we see her at random functions and his face lights up every time he sees her.

Nate has especially loved his preschool classmates.  He talks about them quite a bit – tells me things they said that day or something special about them.  At the beginning of the year, there was another boy in the class but about half way through he moved to the afternoon class.  So for a while there, it was Nate and the ladies at school!  I was a little curious to see how this would pan out – he’s a total boy – but it turned out quite well.  I think he loved being the only boy with a bunch of cute girls!

At the end of the year, she does a preschool program.  [due to a girls weekend planned MONTHS before this was scheduled, I missed it.  Luckily he’s going to preschool another year so I’ll be sure to make it to his official preschool program/graduation next year!]  The kiddos did a great job singing all of the songs they’ve learned this year, etc. 

nate with miss joy (1 of 1)

Ms. Joy had names for all of the kids with a little write-up about them.  Nate was “Noticeable Nate” because he’s always so aware of his other classmates!  When someone is sad, he tries to make them happy or if they need help – he’s always willing to try. He’s always trying to be Miss Joy’s helper when she could us a helping hand.  He notices others – which is always nice to hear as a mom!  Now if only we can get that behavior to make it in to our house. :)

We heart Miss Joy and preschool! 


laurel said...

Cute! It's so weird that Nate is slightly older than Ashton but Ashton will be a grade above him! That's NYC for you...

Ali said...

Daisy loves having Nate in her class. I hope they continue to enjoy it as they have at least two more years together. She definitely is in heaven when he "Notices" her!

The Skeehan Family said...

ohhhhhhhh, "Noticeable Nate" - why does that not surprise me at all? How darling.

How we ache to see you guys. Can we get something in the books, Please?! :)

And hope you had a WONDERFUL vacation. Can't wait to hear about it.