Sunday, January 15, 2012

dinner time

Our dinner hour is usually pretty interesting, yet predictable. 

Lucky for us, Nate will try at least one bite of just about anything.  He knows that if he truly doesn’t like it he doesn’t have to eat it which has worked for us because he almost always ends up liking it.  He may have a hard time sitting in his seat but he’ll usually eat a meal without too much fuss.

nate eating spaghetti (1 of 1)

On the other hand – this little monkey will go days without eating a real meal.  He usually dumps his food out, pours his drink in it, etc.   Tonight he decided to dump out all of his cucumber and wear the bowl as a hat.  He thinks he’s pretty funny.  About once a week he will eat more than most adults in one meal and the rest of the time he just picks at his food.  However, he never turns down a treat. 

ryan eating dinner (1 of 1)


Doreen Griffeth said...

He reminds me of his dad!! Wes was picky, but he would eat when he was hungry!
Thanks for sharing!

Alisha said...

It amazes me how different kids can be when it comes to food. I have some sweettoothed kids and a few who could take it or leave it.