Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Janie at 10 & 11 months


Well, I guess capturing 2 months at once is better than none at all!

This girl is so fun.  I’m usually not the one saying . . . “don’t grow up” – but I’m liking this stage with her.  She takes 2 naps.  Sleeps pretty well at night.  She doesn’t sass me.  She snuggles.  She plays.  She’s learning to talk and sign.  She’s typically pretty happy & she has our entire family wrapped around her finger.

A little about Janie girl . . .

- Her hair is really growing in.  It’s coming in pretty well but it’s got this funky wave and she rips everything out of her hair.  So she looks a little crazy a lot of the time.

- She is a total water baby.  No matter how many times she gets cannonballed in the pool, hose on her head, etc. – she just smiles.  Water doesn’t phase her.

- She is a little climber.  She made her way on to the kids table & she tries to sit on anything she possibly can.

- She loves to play in the dirt.  The messier she gets the better.

- She takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap every day.  And she’s in bed by 7pm the majority of the time.

- She loves the swings.  Especially when Ryan pushes her.

- She loves her brothers.  And they still adore her.

- She has two teeth on the bottom.  More are coming soon.

- We can’t eat any treats in front of her unless we plan on giving her her own.

- She found the toilet & will play in it anytime she catches an open bathroom door.

- She loves her grandma. 

- She’s a daddy’s girl.

- She loves Cheetos puffs and her binky.

- She loves stuffed animals.

We love this girl!

climbing the stairs (1 of 1)

daddys girl (1 of 1)

J at crossfit (1 of 1)

piggies (1 of 1)

playing in the rain (1 of 1)

sleepy girl (1 of 1)

tubba (1 of 1)













1 comment:

Melissa Snyder said...

What a doll! Love her hair! She is beautiful! Sounds like a great daughter. Aren't girls fun to have? We love our Ellie. But the sass is starting to kick in and she is becoming bossy. What out!