Thursday, July 24, 2014

Janie: 8 & 9 months


Third child means you don’t get quite the blog updates as your older brothers.  Sorry lady.

We sure do love this happy little thing.  She’s getting so big – we’re loving watching her personality develop.  Here’s what she’s up to:

- While we were in Hawaii, she started crawling.  She took a few “crawls” right before we left but was absolutely everywhere when we got back.

- I thought having her mobile would be hard but it’s easier!  She’s much happier being able to explore.

- She is a water baby.  She LOVES any type of water activity.

- No teeth.

- Her hair is really getting longer and thicker. 

- She gives the best hugs.  She wraps her arms tight, all the way around your neck and just squeezes and smiles.

- She can also give big, slobbery kisses.

- Sleep?  Not too bad.  She goes down easily for 2 naps a day and sleeps through the night a few times a week.

- She loves to eat.  We’ve discovered she needs a 4th meal before bed.  She sometimes eats baby food and then an hour later will down an entire Café Rio kids quesadilla. 

- She’s in the 90%+ for everything.  Her head is actually off the charts.  I’m supposed to get an ultrasound done on it to make sure the vessels are okay.

- She is so lucky to have 2 big brothers.  They adore her and are so helpful.  Having a baby with big kids around is much easier!

- When she wakes up, there are times when she will stay happy playing in there for quite a while. She loves her elephant and her fox.

- There’s something about knowing that she is our last child.  We’re just enjoying it all. 



crawling together (1 of 1)

J at cabin (1 of 1)

J at chic fil a (1 of 1)

J in laundry basket (1 of 1)

J trying to crawl (1 of 1)

J with a popsicle (1 of 1)

turning the corner (1 of 1)















1 comment:

Christine said...

Wow! Updates look great! Yay mama. Love the photos Monica took! Janie is such a doll. We love that baby to the moon and back! I can't believe how big our boys are getting!