Monday, July 29, 2013

Megan’s Baby Shower in SLC

Goeglein crew (1 of 1)

In June, my mom mentioned that there was going to be a baby shower for my cousin Megan in Salt Lake City on July 20th.  She asked if I thought I’d be able to make it.  I wasn’t sure I could pull it off but booked a flight just in case.

I’m glad I did because it all worked out!  I don’t get to spend much time with my mom’s family anymore so it was a real treat to be able to have some kid-free hours with them.

I flew up late Friday afternoon . . . my mom picked me up at the airport and we went to the Red Butte for dinner.  Delicious!  It’s been a family favorite for decades.  After, we drove up Emigration Canyon to my Aunt Linda’s house to visit for a bit.  I hadn’t been up there in so long – it was great to see her beautiful house!  Kent had a fridge full of desserts for us to sample.  We headed to the hotel later that night.

Saturday was quite a day!  We made a few stops on the way to Megan’s shower . . . Babinski’s Baby Boutique and Trolley Square for Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids.  And then on to Michelle’s house for the shower.

The shower was lovely.  This is Megan’s first baby . . . a boy!  It was great to help a little and sit and chat and celebrate this new baby coming any day now.

Backing up a bit . . . Sam had to work on Friday so she had to take a later flight than me on Friday night.  Vegas had a nasty storm for about 15 minutes and of course that was when Sam’s plane was coming in to Vegas and got re-routed to Phoenix for weather.  So she was stuck in the Vegas airport for HOURS.  She finally made it to Salt Lake, rented this beauty & got to Amanda’s house at 3:30am.  I’m glad she made it!


Even though I live super close to my mom and sisters, we don’t do anything with just us all that often.  So the rest of the afternoon Sam, my mom and I did some shopping at Fashion Place and Ikea.  It was nice to spend time with them, too!  Sam left us around dinner time for a college friends reunion dinner and my mom and I went to Tai Pan and then headed to Sea Salt, a restaurant in Salt Lake.  Linda, Kent & James met us there.  It’s my favorite restaurant in SLC right now . . . absolutely delicious!  And once again, great company.

On Sunday, my mom and I drove back to Vegas.  It was a quick weekend but well worth it.  Had a great time with family without the kiddos.  Thanks Wes!

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