Monday, May 13, 2013

We’re having a baby. A baby GIRL.

big bros with ultrasound photos

It’s probably about time I got this little milestone on the blog.

Wes & I were really enjoying life with the two boys but something made us at least try to have a third.  We had a hard time getting pregnant with Nate and Ryan {our wonderful fertility doctor was a part of both} and so we thought that while it was worth trying for a third we weren’t going to be too upset if it never happened.  We were both done with fertility doctors so this one would have to happen on it’s own for it to happen.

So, 2013 was the year.  If it happened that year, great.  If not we were ready to move on with the two boys and just have fun.

It happened in January. 

It was obviously meant to be.  Sometimes I think my Heavenly Father knew I might change my mind if it didn’t just happen.  I must admit it was shocking and a much easier route than endless doctor visits.

With this baby, we don’t have maternity insurance so we’re paying cash for this one.  We switched insurance plans on February 1st and around January 27th we realized that we had a “healthcare credit card” from our old plan with $600 on it that we couldn’t use once our new plan started on February 1st.  So I called my doctor’s office and found out that I had to actually have an appointment to be able to use the $600 toward my doctor payment.  They were great and got me in within a day or two so I could use my money!  I had an ultrasound and this peanut was so small we could hardly see it but everything else in there was looking good.  I had another ultrasound a week later and that’s when my due date went from September 25 to possibly October 5th depending on the baby’s size around 20 weeks.

This pregnancy has been pretty much like the other two.  As long as I eat consistently through the first 4 months, I feel pretty good.  I did throw up a few times first thing in the morning but that was it.  At the end of my pregnancy with Ryan, my veins in my left leg got really bad.  Those re-appeared in the first trimester of this pregnancy so that hasn’t been fun at all.  I’ve been wearing a compression sock but it’s officially too hot to wear that thing outside.  I’ve also been getting headaches that I didn’t get with the first two.  I’ve had a few sinus infections that wiped me out.  But overall, feeling pretty good!

One thing that’s been fun is I can feel the baby move around 17 weeks or so which is much earlier than the other two.  It could be that I now really know what it feels like so it’s pretty obvious.  I love the 2nd trimester – you’re not uncomfortable yet but you get the perks of feeling the baby and actually looking pregnant instead of just chunky. 

This entire time, I always referred to the baby as a he.  I was convinced I was having a third boy and was actually kind of excited about it.  And then on May 10th, 2013 we went to our ultrasound and heard the words: “It’s a girl.” It took me a while for those to set in!  The boys came with us and Ryan says in his little tone of voice: “Me no like girls!  Me want a boy.”  Both Nate and Ryan really wanted a brother but I think they are going to love having a little sister.

My post-ultrasound appointment with Dr. Miller went well.  She says everything looks good so far and we’re looking at an October 2nd due date!

I’m definitely still getting used to the idea of pink.  But it sure is fun so far.


J-Leav said...

Can I say it again? I'm so stinkin' excited you're having a girl!!!!! I love having a little lady and I'm so happy you'll have one too. Congrats again Linds!

Lauren said...

So... I'm crying. Like, I can't stop. Obviously, it doesn't take much for me, but I'm seriously so excited for you. Excited for a girl and excited for a pregnancy. Infertility STINKS. This little girl is going to be so loved and I can't wait to see what your genes do with a girl- your boys are so darn cute!

Melissa Snyder said...

Congratulations on finally getting a girl! They are so much fun and those boys are just going to adore her. So fun! Best of luck!!!!

Street Fam said...

I wasn't so sure about the pink since I've been surrounded by boys my whole life. But now I am just fine with it. And Eliza's fingernails and toes are painted. :) So not like me! Congrats on baby girl! That is so exciting! So happy for you.