Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Vail, Colorado

vail (1 of 1)

In February, Leigh casually mentioned that we should meet them to go skiing in Vail, Colorado in March.  I am not a skiier (and wasn’t about to learn while pregnant – I have quite a long fall) but I’ve been wanting Nate to hit the slopes and I always want Wes to be able to see his family.  After talking it over with Wes and doing some research, I called Leigh and asked if she was up for just Wes and Nate joining them.  It turned out perfectly because Leigh’s aunt and nephew were going and that left Spencer skiing all by himself on the bigger slopes.  Now Spencer had a skiing buddy, too.  His little brother.

the whole clan (1 of 1)


spencer and leigh (1 of 1)

They met in the Denver airport and drove to Vail late Wednesday night.  They got settled in to their hotels after midnight and the kids were up super early to check in to ski school the next day.  For the next two days, they checked Nate and Spence in to ski school and the adults enjoyed the day on the mountain.  Nate was definitely hesitant but I was proud of him for giving it a try.  Spence, too!  They both did great and loved learning to ski.  And I love that these cousins who never see each other got to do it together.

nate.spence (1 of 1)

nate.spence ready to go (1 of 1)

nate on the hill (1 of 1)

nate getting geared up (1 of 1)

nate.wes going down hill (1 of 1)

nate.wes going down hill 2 (1 of 1)

nate.wes top of hill (1 of 1)

spence on the hill (1 of 1)

wes.nate.spence.spencer on hill (1 of 1)

Nate always loves Spence and he really loved having Spence’s cousin, Alex there too!  He had a great time with the “big cousin” Alex.  He even came home and said we should name our baby Alex!

nate.spence.alex (1 of 1)

We thought it would be fun to have Nate tell Spencer & Leigh in person that we were having another baby. (They had told us that week that they were pregnant, too!).  They were casually sitting at a pizza joint when Nate looks up and says “Aunt Leigh, my mom has a baby in her tummy.”  Leigh looked around, confused . . . thinking “no, that’s me with a baby in my tummy.”  He said it again and Leigh turned to Wes and Wes just smiled.  Needless to say I got a very fun phone call right after that!

nate.spence at dinner (1 of 1)

They had a great trip!

nate.spence in airport (1 of 1)

I am always the one that gets to take the kids on adventures while Wes stays behind.  This was Wes/Nate first of many adventures together.  Wes sent me this picture on their first night at the hotel.  It was after midnight when they checked in but Nate went in and found a notepad and wrote this.  Love this boy.

mom note (1 of 1)



mrs. timberlake said...

this is fantastic!!! and i foresee a merrill/skeehan cousin ski school trip in the future! what a great experience :)

The Skeehan Family said...

I love alllll the pictures!!! Way to go Wes! What a memory. And what was that jab on Amy's blog about how she still updates her blog? Oh wait, it was an accurate jab :-) I did, however, finally update. Warning though, it is a little bit massive. Three is really inhibiting anything other than survival!