Life in May via Instagram.

1 – Blake and Ryan having a little play-date.
2 – Superhero buddies. [Nate & Carter]
3 – We had a Garage Sale fundraiser for our cub scouts. Hanging out with these boys was a blast! I heart primary.
4 – After Washington DC & Disneyland – I committed to eating a ridiculous amount of healthy food for a week!
5 – Nate & I went to his good friend Hadley’s dance recital. You can’t tell from the picture, but Nate loves dance recitals.
6 – We got to watch Grayson one morning! My boys LOVE him so they were thrilled. I am determined to get Grayson to not scream bloody murder when Kiley leaves, though!
7 – This is Ryan saying “I had it wit Natan.” [I’ve had it with you, Nathan.]
8 – We had a big play date one afternoon!
9 – The boys love to help Wes mow the lawn.
10 – Nate & I left his precious green blanky at the hotel at Disneyland. Of course they couldn’t find it. So we picked out some cozy fabric and Aunt Sam saved the day and made him a new one.
11 & 12 – We went to Daisy’s dance recital! Boys loved that one, too.
13 – Happy Mothers Day to me! I am so lucky to be these crazy boys’ mama.
14 – Ryan loved this “I love mom” hat he made in nursery. He wore it all week!
15 – I ate an entire pack myself. They are goooood.
16 – Ryan picked out these jammies at Costco. Every time he wears them he says “broders rock” over and over.
17 – A car-seat-less car . . . girls trip with Kiley to Utah!
18 – I got to go to Ikea! I love that place.
19 – Nate got to go to the cabin early with Grandma & Papa Marz.
20 – Wes and I got to see Mary Poppins @ The Smith Center. It’s a favorite of mine!
21 – Ryan has been waking up at 5:30am for at least a month and a half. He’s killing us! Not only are we exhausted – but it makes for an extremely long morning. By 9am you feel like you’ve put in an entire day with a 2 year old and it’s only 9am!
22 – Ryan’s my buddy while Nate is at school.
23 – Nothing like playing a game of War in your swimsuit.
24 – Ryan had 24 hours with just his mom and dad while Nate was at the cabin! We love one-on-one time with our boys.
25 – The boys love the Peter Pan figurines Nate picked out at Disneyland.
26 – Every time Aunt Sam leaves our house – it’s a battle. They always want her to stay!
27 – We visited lots of Splash Pads.
28 – And ate lots of kabobs. Yum.
29 – Wigglers in puddles of water. A boy’s dream.
30 – Ryan is quite the dancer in the car. He’s hilarious.
31 – Snow cones are a summer favorite.
32 – Took the boys to watch Wes play church basketball one night. Nate now tells everyone his dad is the best basketball player ever.
33 – Finally created something off Pinterest! Watermelon gifts for the girls I visit teach.
34 – Used up an expiring Groupon at LBS burger at the Red Rock. The boys & I loved it!
35 – Our first of many summer pool play dates in our backyard.
36 – Ryan devouring a grapefruit.
37 – The boys did not feel good on the way home from the cabin. They cried the majority of the time. Poor Nate’s head hurt so bad coming down the mountain!
38 – Every once in a while – they like each other. They’ve been snuggling on the couch lately. It only lasts about 3 minutes before Ryan is mean again – but it’s better than nothing!
39 – These boys love to dress up.
40 – Ryan had a park date with dad!