Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

I really like Easter.  It’s a fun holiday as well as a special time to reflect about the Resurrection of our Savior. 

Nate loves to doorbell ditch.  He’s asking me quite regularly if we can go – so Easter seemed like a good time to “Easter Egg” a few houses.  Ryan had to stay in the car for the first house – but then Wes was super dad and hauled both kids to the door while I remained in the get.away car.

photo (1)

Growing up, we made this Easter Bunny cake every year.  I love that my mom has carried on the tradition with the grandkids.  They had their annual Easter afternoon at her house making bunny cake and dyeing eggs.

photo 2

EASTER was a nice day.  The Easter Bunny found our house and the kids were beyond excited.  I liked the Easter Bunny because at least with our boys, there are ZERO expectations.  They simply thought the bunny would hide a few eggs – Nate forgot about the Easter Basket part.  I love it when they are truly surprised.  The bunny was exceptionally nice this year and brought actual gifts, too.  He somehow knew that we desperately needed another children’s tennis racket so Ryan could participate in our nightly tennis session on the driveway.  He also knew that we really needed another scooter around here since we basically live outside this time of year.  I love that bunny!


Easter dinner was at my parent’s house.  We had absolutely perfect weather today so we were able to eat outside.  We had a fun group – Gma & Papa, the Thompsons, the Whiteheads [family friends] and Aunt Kara and Uncle Allan.  As always, my mom put on a great dinner and it was nice to spend the evening outside.

The kids did their annual easter egg hunt in my parent’s front yard and ate a lot of candy tonight.


Happy Easter!

1 comment:

The Skeehan Family said...

Oh how I've enjoyed playing a little catch-up on your blog since we got off the phone (I actually had started last night but finished now :) )... love the instagram photos - what a great way to capture all the little moments. Seriously, it's like getting to see all the little snipits that make up your life, all at once, I love it.
Amy uses them too... maybe I need to get on the bandwagon.

Still can't get over how sick you all were - looks like you managed to rally though, and still have a nice time with Wes' parents... and the lighting is BEAUTIFUL. Can we hire them??? I'm only partially joking on that one.

Your Easter celebration looked like a lot of fun - I so love your mom's tradition - how cute are those cakes! Glad you are feeling better, looks like you had a bad run but still managed to have some fun moments in there. Way to go Mama.