Friday, December 17, 2010

what a crazy month december is.

i love the month of december & i have to say it gets better and better every year as nate gets older.  I love seeing the pure joy in Nate and I can’t wait until Ryan is a little bigger so they can get excited together.

however . . . i’m pretty sure this is the BUSIEST december of my life.  I was really hoping it would be full of christmas movies & hot chocolate, baking for fun [not because the event is tomorrow and we’re baking at 10pm], looking at lights, gingerbread houses, santa, nativity stories and more. I’m determined to squeeze in all of the FUN in the next week but the to-do list is a mile long and just when i think i’m getting a grasp something new gets added.  like yesterday – my cute nieces were over and we were having some christmas fun when my phone rang and my dad tells me that we just landed a new client and i am the lucky one that gets to handle it and i have to be in the office mon/tues/wed morning next week for crucial meetings.  Seriously people, the week of Christmas?  Is anything that important?  Sheesh.

The TO.DO list in the next week is LONG.  If I look a little sketchy with big bags under my eyes it’s because I don’t have time to straighten my hair and we’re going to bed way too late.  But I’m determined to get all of the FUN things checked off with the kids and to throw on a little Christmas music while I check-off the not-as-much-fun things.

As crazy as December can be, it will always be one of my favorite times of the year.

Happy week before Christmas.


Alyssa Griffeth said...

AMEN to this post!! I feel the exact same way. Couldn't have put it better myself (case in point: why am I up at 1:30?)! Hope you are able to squeeze in all the FUN things!

Doreen Griffeth said...

Just take time to enjoy along the way. I REMEMBER well the feeling and feel it even now with just one "big" boy at home!

Amander said...

It is a great time of year - but even without kids my Decembers seem to get jam-packed really quickly with all the not-so-fun things.

Hope you are enjoying your week!

leigh and spencer said...

Make sure you squeeze a little time in to see some Christmas lights! Our kids are loving the lights this year. I agree, it's a lot of fun to see their faces get so excited :)