Right in the middle of the holiday hustle and bustle, Ryan turned 10 months old. I can’t believe that almost a year has gone by since he was born!

Ryan has quite a personality. He knows what he wants and will let you know whether he’s happy or not by either laughing, screaming, clapping or a full on throw-yourself-on-the-floor tantrum. He’s got a loud jibber-jabber that we hear all day that I absolutely love. He’s got determination to try and conquer just about anything a 10 month old can figure out. He’s quite the little boy.
RYAN at 10 months:
. still LOVES to eat. He will still eat baby food but he absolutely prefers chunky food that he can feed himself. We finally found a food he doesn’t like - chunks of butternut squash. I don’t blame him on that one. His latest favorites are graham crackers, cucumber sticks & blueberries.
. He dances to music.
. His absolute favorite places/things to do are climb the stairs, the refrigerator, the pantry, the dishwasher, bathrooms, emptying drawers, his new car from Daisy & the wall sockets. He’s quite a destroyer of the pantry.

. if you give him a phone, he holds it up to his mouth and yells in it. He usually says “dada”.
. He wants to walk but doesn’t quite have the balance yet. He stands up and walks while pushing anything he can find but not quite by himself yet.
. He HATES the car. The minute his buns hit the car seat he screams until he’s out. Food will always calm him down but I try not to feed him all day and sometimes holding my hand or Nate’s helps.
. He LOVES his bottle of milk and a binky. When we lay him down in his bed he always has a binky in his mouth but then he finds another one in his crib and switches them out. Every time!
. He’s still up once a night for a bottle. That’s my fault. I like that he sleeps in a little later in the morning with a middle-of-the-night snack but we’ll be breaking this habit, soon.
. He “talks” all day long but the real words he says are mama, dada & uh-oh.
. He HATES to get dressed or to have a diaper change. It’s awful. He’s one strong dude!
. When he’s tired, but not exhausted, I can get some pretty good cuddles out of him.
. He loves water. He loves the tub. He loves to splash in toilets. He loves to splash in Moses’ water bowl. If I could leave him in water all day he’d be content!

. He’s a mamas boy.
. He loves Moses the dog as long as there is a barrier. He laughs and laughs if there is glass or a gate in between them!
. He’s got some great cheeks that we kiss all day.
. He can still spit up / barf with the best of them. I’m pretty sure too much banana is part of the problem!
. He’s entered the hard phase at church. We are officially hall-dwellers. 8 long months until nursery.
. He’s ticklish. Nate loves to rub his head in to Ryan’s belly and both boys think it’s HILARIOUS.
. We’ve had some great moments with this boy where he’s gotten easier but also some of the hardest days I’ve had so far as a mom have come from this little boy this month. He went through a little period there where he was on my pant legs to be held ALL day long and he would barely sleep during the day. But lately he’s been a slightly better napper and has enjoyed a little independence again which has been nice!
. He’s got 6 teeth: 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom.
. He loves to be outside which usually involves dirt and rocks. Sometimes you just have to let boys be boys and let them play and play in the dirt. Clothes are always washable.

. It’s been interesting to watch a friendship develop between Nate and Ryan. When Nate is nice to Ryan – Ryan really responds to Nate and it’s fun to see! But they both also are pretty independent of each other and will often times do their own thing!
This little boy brings so much happiness and laughter to our home – we love you Mr. Ryan!