Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013

We had another wonderful Thanksgiving this year.  It’s one of my favorite days of the year.

I have a lot to be thankful for.  It’s been a rough month watching dear family and friends have to go through trials no one should have to endure.  It’s made me especially grateful for each day I have with my family and for the simple things in life I can enjoy.

Nate had a darling Kindergarten feast at school on Wednesday.  Mrs. Leverence’s class joined them so they had half pilgrims and half Indians at their feast.  Watching 55 Kindergarteners eat together was pretty cute.

nate (1 of 1)

feast (1 of 1)

On Thanksgiving morning, we participated in Holiday Outreach Jaws at Nate’s school.  Family and friends join together to walk the track for some exercise as well as donate coats and canned goods for those in need.  It’s a fun morning!  Ryan was done walking after quite a few laps so he was recruiting friends for a “rest”.  Ryan did get his “10-miler” ribbon this morning!

jaws break (1 of 1)

ryan 10 miler (1 of 1)

We went to my parent’s house in the afternoon where we helped my mom and the kids played outside.  It was another beautiful Thanksgiving day in Las Vegas!  Dinner was delicious, as always.  Ali offered to bring all of the pies.  I love her pie-to-people ratio!  There were 6 delicious pies to choose from.

kiddos coloring (1 of 1)

I wasn’t going to go Black Friday shopping but Wes encouraged me to go with Sam.  So . . . Wes hauled the kids home and I went out with Sam.  We were home by 11pm which was nice!  Our major success was at Target where Christine joined us.  Not sure how I feel about Black Friday really being on Thursday but it was nice to get it over with and we had fun!


So grateful for all of the many blessings I’ve been given.

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