Can’t believe this little lady is a month old. We sure do love having her in our family.
She’s quite a good baby – I can’t complain at all about having a hard newborn. That can always change but so far, so good.

A little bit about Janie . . .
- she smiles! and “talks”. It’s pretty cute how responsive she is.
- she loves her binky.
- she loves to sleep in her carseat. She’s very portable!
- at night she still sleeps in her little papasan chair. She likes being elevated and is a great sleeper so we’ve kept her there so far!
- she varies between sleeping for four hours at night to sleeping eight {yes, I said 8} hours at night! Didn’t know that was possible with a 1 month old.
- She’s generally pretty content during the day. She will let you know when she’s hungry or if she needs a diaper change or a little attention, but is overall a happy girl.
- When she’s awake and laying down, she is almost always kicking one of her legs.
- She’s a little chunk. At her one month appointment she weighed 11.2 pounds and was 22.5”. Her head had grown a lot since she was born so Dr. Carrie was talking to me about that. She measured my head and determined that the big head is probably just genetic. Lovely.
- she loves her bath.
- She is a great eater. She latched on from day 1 and has been a great eater. She’ll nurse or take a bottle!
- She likes to be swaddled.
- She is a cuddler.
- She is very expressive with her hands and eyebrows.
- her nighttime routine consists of her being kept awake . . . a bath around 9pm that calms her down and wakes her up for a little bit . . . mama feeding her and Wes’ magic touch of rocking and cuddles before she’s out!
- Janie and I spent a lot of time sitting in a chair on the driveway watching the boys play outside.
We love this little lady of ours!