Monday, August 20, 2012

Nate is FIVE.

Nate’s birthday weekend at the cabin was on the calendar for almost a year.  He was excited about it which meant he never asked for a party or any real gifts.  Which made it the perfect year for a surprise party. 

It was a rather spontaneous idea – I decided a few days before we left for our Salt Lake road trip knowing I’d have to throw a party the morning after we got home.  Thanks to friends & family – it was perfect. 

Nate’s birthday morning started with streamers hanging down from his door [he thought that was pretty awesome] and balloons scattered upstairs.  The highlight of the morning was the fact that he got this Nerf gun back.  It was taken away shortly after he turned four and we told him he could have it back when he was five.  He didn’t forget about that gun and was thrilled to get it back on his fifth birthday.  I think that lesson actually worked because not one single person has been shot yet!


He thought it was a normal day – running an errand or two and then going to grandma’s to swim.  We walked around through the backyard, turned the corner & SURPRISE!  He had a lot of family and friends there ready to party on his 5th birthday.

surprised naters 3 (1 of 1)

surprised naters 2 (1 of 1)

surprised naters (1 of 1)

I kept it simple -  We swam, ate pizza/watermelon/frozen grapes & ice cream.  Nate’s dream has always been to have his own piñata so we did that, too.  I’m just glad Sam and Kiley took some photos for me to document at least a little of the party!

swimming (1 of 1)

on the turtle (1 of 1)

eating lunch (1 of 1)

blowing out candles (1 of 1)

The party was great & most important of all – Nate loved it.

But the fun didn’t stop there!  My sister, Ali got really sick that day and had to miss the festivities.  Which meant Nate got to hang out with his cousins ALL day while their mom just tried to survive.  My mom was a trooper and let Ryan sleep [he took a whopping 45 minute nap] while I took Nate, Abbie & Daisy to Ice Age 3. 

On our way home we stopped by Aunt Sam’s so she could give Nate her present: this 53” bear from Costco!  Apparently it’s an Aunt’s job to buy things their mom never will.  He loves it.


And then off we went to In-n-Out – Nate’s birthday dinner of choice.

bday dinner (1 of 1)

I can’t believe he’s FIVE.  I sure do love this boy!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nate!!

It looks like you guys had quite the summer. I love reading about your little family. Your boys are so cute. =)

Melissa Snyder said...

Happy Birthday Nate! Looks like he had quite the birthday party!